Zerodoor copied to clipboard
A script written lazily for generating cross-platform backdoors on the go :)
A script written lazily for generating reverse shell backdoors on the go whenever you need without any hassle for your daily penetration needs . These backdoors are not james bond high tech stuff but rather simple ones to prevent over exploitation and limited capabilities Once you generate the payload somehow execute on the conecrened system eithe Win or nix based systems . Once executed you will have the capability of executing remote commands on the compromised host :) Happy Hacking :D
Tiny Overview
Nothing special it includes three basic backdoor generation capability for :-
- Nix Based
- Windows ( Normal executable / PowerShell One Liner / JavaScript Backdoor )
Poweshell payload generation have been added due to its sofistication and presistence :)
Hot Updates ?
Added docker suppport JS support
Souhardya Sardar is a lazy guy who keeps learning and gets trolled by experts Github :-
Donate and contact :3
If you want to do any python based project with me please kindly mail me at [email protected] Or reach me on facebook :-
If you like my code :3 buy me a beer
Bitcoin Address :- 1EyfivBCpdxKonG9imh8Mib3Bgeuy8cV8F
Open Source
Redistribute and Modify without any restrictions :)
If you encounter any problems regarding the code please open a issue at my repository and I will try to fix it as soon as possible . Maybe later cuz I am hell lazy
Illegal Usage is not allowed !!
Python2 Support only :)
You can help me implement a python3 version too