Vue.Draggable copied to clipboard
horizontal drag jump to end
<draggable tag="div" :list="imageFiles" class="row" handle=".handle" :move="checkMove" >
<v-col v-for="(image, idx) in imageFiles" :key="idx" cols="3" >
<v-card flat tile >
<v-img :src="image.file" class="grey lighten-2">
<div class="d-flex transition-fast-in-fast-out grey darken-4 v-card--reveal py-3" >
<i class="fa fa-align-justify mx-3 handle" />
<v-btn small color="red" @click="deleteImage(" >
{{ $t('delete') }}
but when drag, img jump to end.
using RTL vuetify.
I also encountered the same problem. Is this problem solved now?
i have this problem too (in RTL)
I have the same problem in RTL too.
In LTR works correctly.
I have the same problem in RTL too.
In LTR works correctly.
Hi, I wrote in parent tag => dir=ltr
I have the same problem in RTL too.
In LTR works correctly.
Hi, I wrote in parent tag => dir=ltr
@nonomaxxis and problem is solved?
@webasoo Yes.
@webasoo Yes.
great! can you insert a part of your code here @nonomaxxis?
@webasoo Yes.
great! can you insert a part of your code here @nonomaxxis?
<div dir="ltr">
<draggable tag="div" :list="imageFiles" class="row" handle=".handle" :move="checkMove" >
<v-col v-for="(image, idx) in imageFiles" :key="idx" cols="3" >
<v-card flat tile >
<v-img :src="image.file" class="grey lighten-2">
<div class="d-flex transition-fast-in-fast-out grey darken-4 v-card--reveal py-3" >
<i class="fa fa-align-justify mx-3 handle" />
<v-btn small color="red" @click="deleteImage(" >
{{ $t('delete') }}