Vue.Draggable copied to clipboard
ghostClass - chosenClass - dragClass
I think there is a problème with "ghostClass" - "chosenClass", "ghost" doesn't apply.
I use your "simple.vue" example and add 3 styles:
.ghost {
opacity: 0.5;
background: red;
.chosen {
opacity: 0.5;
background: blue;
.drag {
opacity: 0.5;
background: green;
Your component:
@start="dragging = true"
@end="dragging = false"
I just understand that I use the same css properties for ghost and choosen.
En fact, there is a problem, the "ghost" class should be replace "chosen" class but it's not the case.
I got the same problem, the background can't be applied.
@frck006 could you explain better the problem? Did you check sortable repo for similar issue?
@David-Desmaisons no, I did not watch "sortable" repo. I try this afternoon.
About the problem, when can we see css from "ghost" ?
Normaly, I should see "red", but only "blue" or "green" are displayed.
PS: Version :
- vuedraggable: 2.23.2
- sortable: 1.10.1
@David-Desmaisons You're right, there is the same behavior from "sortable.js"
I don't see when "ghost" class is apply.
I create a new issue in "":
Any way to change the text in the chosen class? Like from the text in the element to "moving" etc? When only display the element text once the drag ends?
Same issue here with chosen/drag class working but not working with ghost class. I found that the simple example is working with ghost class, which changes the background color. But I couldn't figure out why it works, and it's caused by SortableJS or Vue Draggable. I've tried
- ghostClass="ghost"
- ghost-class="ghost"
- v-bind="ghostClass: '.ghost'"