MAF_HDA copied to clipboard
An official implementation of the MAF_HDA Tracker
I. Introduction
Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
with Embedding Mask-based Affinity Fusion in Hierachical Data Association (MAF_HDA)
This repository includes an implementation of the GMPHD_MAF tracker in C/C++ with a demo code and supplementary materials.
- [2021.06.18] released
- [2021.06.17] First full upload of a C/C++ implementation in VS2017 project (with VC15), v0.2.0
- [2021.06.11] Full manuscript upload in arXiv
- The paper is available in two versions:
[BMTT2020 website]
and [arxiv].
- The arXiv preprint is an extension of the BMTT worshop paper.
II. User guide
Development environment
- Windows 10 (64 bit)
- Visual Studio 2017 (64 bit)
Programming languages
- Visual C/C++ (VC15)
OpenCV 3.4.1 and boost 1.74.0 (Windows Binaries) were used to implement the GMPHD_MAF tracker.
- Download OpenCV Win Pack and boost_1_74_0-msvc-14.1-64.exe to run our tracker in Visual Studio 2017 (64 bit).
Project source
File tree
├── GMPHD_MAF.sln <-- **solution file for the project**
├── demo_GMPHD_MAF.cpp <-- **the main function** including demos.
├── OnlineTracker.h, OnlineTracker.cpp <-- the parent class of GMPHD_MAF
├── GMPHD_MAF.h, GMPHD_MAF.cpp <-- *a class implementation of the GMPHD_MAF tracker* inherited from OnlineTracker class
├── kcftracker.hpp&cpp, VOT.h, ffttols.hpp, fhog.hpp&cpp, labdata.hpp, recttols.hpp <-- a C++ code set of KCF [2] implementaion
├── utils.hpp <-- a header file including essential containers and preprocessors for GMPHD_MAF
├── io_mots.hpp&cpp, mask_api.h&cpp <-- read/write functions for MOTS data format (e.g., run-length encoding)
├── drawing.hpp, drawing.cpp <-- drawing functions for MOTS results visualization
├── hungarian.h, hungarian.cpp <-- a class implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm
├── pch.h <-- precompiled header including essential header files
├── GMPHD_MAF.vcxproj, GMPHD_MAF.vcxproj.filters <-- VS project file, VS project filter file
├── params <-- text files containing scene parameters
| └── KITTI_test.txt, KITTI_train.txt, MOTS20_test.txt, MOTS20_train.txt
├── seq <-- text files containing dataset paths and sequences' names
| └── KITTI_test.txt, KITTI_train.txt, MOTS20_test.txt, MOTS20_train.txt
├── img <-- MOTS results are saved in {seqname}/*.jpg
| ├── KITTI
| | └── test, train
| └── MOTS20
| └── test, train
└── res <-- MOTS results are saved in {seqname}.txt
| └── test, train
└── MOTS20
└── test, train
C++ implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm :
hungarian.h, hungarian.cpp
refering to #mcximing/hungarian-algorithm-cpp
C++ implementaion of KCF [2] :
kcftracker.hpp&cpp, VOT.h, ffttols.hpp, fhog.hpp&cpp, labdata.hpp, recttols.hpp
refering to #joaofaro/KCFcpp
How to run
- Open the solution file GMPHD_MAF.sln.
- Link and include OpenCV3.4.1 and boost1.74.0 libraries to the project w/ VC15_x64.
- Press Ctrl+F5 in Release mode (x64)
- We provide two MOTS processing options. One is "1: a single scene" and the other is "2: a set of scenes".
1. Images and public instance segmentation results
- Download the image seqeunces in KITTI-MOTS and MOTS20
and MaskRCNN [3] based segmentation results, in txt format, named Tracking Only Challenge Detections in here
- Locate the segmentation results in each corresponding dataset location.
- For instance, copy the results to
, andF:\MOTS\MOTS20\train\maskrcnn
. - Keep the folder names
in KITTI-MOTS andmaskrcnn
in MOTS20, or modify the functionReadDatasetInfo()
in io_mots.cpp
- For instance, copy the results to
2. Sequence list files of the image sequences
Users should specify the dataset path and sequences' names in the sequence list file.
e.g., GMPHD_MAF\seq\MOTS20_train.txt
3. Parameter files
e.g., GMPHD_MAF\params\MOTS20_train.txt
4. Please check DB_TYPE, mode:"train" or "test", and the input files' locations in (demo_GMPHD_MAF.cpp)
// demo_GMPHD_MAF.cpp
const string MODE = "train"; // 'train', 'test'
const string DETECTOR = "maskrcnn"; // 'maskrcnn'
const string TRACKER = "GMPHD_MAF"; // Mask-Based Affinity Fusion
const string SEQ_TXT = "seq/" + sym::DB_NAMES[DB_TYPE] + "_" + MODE +".txt" ;
const string PARAMS_TXT = "params/"+ sym::DB_NAMES[DB_TYPE] + "_" + MODE + ".txt";
Results files
- MOTS results files are saved at
Visualization options in utils.hpp
- You can see the visualization windows of detection and tracking.
- At initial frame, press any key to start tracking process.
SKIP_FRAME_BY_FRAME: 0(off), 1(on)
- You can see the results, frame-by-frame. (by pressing any key).
Examples in KITTI object tracking test 0018 sequence.
▶ Public segmentation results by MaskRCNN [2]
▶ MOTS results by GMPHD_MAF (Ours)
Console window
▶ Console window exampled when user select a single scene mode
Experimental Results (available at the benchmark websites)
We participated "tracking only" track in 5th BMTT MOTChallenge Workshop: Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation in conjunction with CVPR 2020.
The results are available in CVPR 2020 MOTSChallenge [link], MOTS20 [link],
KITTI-MOTS w/ sMOTSA measure [link] and w/ HOTA measure [link].
III. References
[1] Ba-Ngu Vo and Wing-Kin Ma, "The Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 4091–4104, Oct. 2006. [paper]
[2] João F. Henriques, Rui Caseiro, Pedro Martins, and Jorge Batista "High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters" IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 583–596, Mar. 2015. [paper] [arxiv]
[3] Kaiming He, Georgia Gkioxari, Piotr Dollar, and Ross Girshick "Mask R-CNN" in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. (ICCV), Oct. 2017, pp. 2961–2969. [paper] [arxiv]
Citation [arxiv]
Y. Song, Y.-C. Yoon, K. Yoon, M. Jeon, S.-W. Lee, and W. Pedrycz,
``Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation with GMPHD Filter and Mask-based Affinity Fusion,'' 2021,
[{O}nline]. Available: ar{X}iv:2009.00100.