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Pytorch Implementation of "Deep Iterative Down-Up CNN for Image Denoising".
Hi there, thanks for sharing the code! I am trying to use the code and cite it in my paper but I need to get clearance of the License requirement....
Hi Author, I am trying to train my data set. So,I am very curious about the data content generation rules in training_rgb_5to50_uint8_samples.h5. If possible, could you please share this file...
I am trying to test the code on noisy images, the original images are noisy images however for I assign noiseSigma to 0 when generating the dataset, that way the...
Hi, I have a question regarding the use of bias in the convolutions. I notice that you don't use them (see [here](https://github.com/SonghyunYu/DIDN/blob/master/gray_model.py#L11) for example). What is the rationale behind that?...
hi, I have a question when I read the codes. When I use DIDN for raw images, which model should I choose? The gray_model? Or I need to modify them?