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SonarScanner for Azure DevOps automatically sets VB.Net test properties
With Azure DevOps, and SonarScanner for Azure DevOps, when analyzing C# projects, you get several test & coverage properties set automatically (sonar.cs.*.reportsPaths
properties) so test and coverage imports works almost automagically.
The equivalent for VB.Net does not happen for the moment (at least up to SonarScanner for Azure DevOps 4.11). It would be interesting to have all the corresponding properties also set for VB.Net (sonar.vbnet.*.reportsPaths
Hi @okorach
After having discussed with the sonar-dotnet devs, it appears that this is not as straightforward as i thought i would at first.
This is not clear on their side whether putting multiple coverage reportPaths for multiple "languages" is supported or not.
I'll let this issue open, and once it's clarified, i'll do the modification on my side.
Thanks !
Please do this! Took me half of this day to find out why C# projects work out of the box but VB projects don't!
There are different properties per language: C#: sonar.cs.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths for Visual Studio Code Coverage sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths for VSTest VB: sonar.vbnet.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths for Visual Studio Code Coverage sonar.vbnet.vstest.reportsPaths for VSTest
The first two are autoset by the task the latter are NOT.
PLEASE make life for us vb developers a little easier!
Ping @mickael-caro-sonarsource