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Auto DB migration on fresh install failed in 9.4.0-community
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Creating a container running with embedded H2 database:
docker create --name sonarqube sonarqube:9.4.0-community
docker container start sonarqube
The container then stalls at auto DB migration
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.AutoDbMigration] Automatically perform DB migration on fresh install
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executing DB migrations...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1 'Create initial schema'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1 'Create initial schema': success | time=218ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2 'Populate initial schema'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2 'Populate initial schema': success | time=33ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5001 'Drop PK on 'uuid' for 'ce_activity' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5001 'Drop PK on 'uuid' for 'ce_activity' table': success | time=4ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5002 'Drop 'ce_activity_uuid' index'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5002 'Drop 'ce_activity_uuid' index': success | time=4ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5003 'Recreate PK on 'uuid' for 'ce_activity' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5003 'Recreate PK on 'uuid' for 'ce_activity' table': success | time=6ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5004 'Drop PK on 'uuid' for 'events' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5004 'Drop PK on 'uuid' for 'events' table': success | time=3ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5005 'Drop 'events_uuid' index'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5005 'Drop 'events_uuid' index': success | time=3ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5006 'Recreate PK on 'uuid' for 'events' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5006 'Recreate PK on 'uuid' for 'events' table': success | time=2ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5007 'Drop PK on 'kee' for 'issues' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5007 'Drop PK on 'kee' for 'issues' table': success | time=5ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5008 'Drop 'issues_kee' index'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5008 'Drop 'issues_kee' index': success | time=4ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5009 'Recreate PK on 'kee' for 'issues' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5009 'Recreate PK on 'kee' for 'issues' table': success | time=2ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5010 'Drop PK on 'kee' for 'snapshots' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5010 'Drop PK on 'kee' for 'snapshots' table': success | time=3ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5011 'Drop 'analyses_uuid' index'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5011 'Drop 'analyses_uuid' index': success | time=3ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5012 'Recreate PK on 'kee' for 'snapshots' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #5012 'Recreate PK on 'kee' for 'snapshots' table': success | time=2ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #6001 'Drop 'manual_measures_component_uuid' index'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #6001 'Drop 'manual_measures_component_uuid' index': success | time=5ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #6002 'Drop 'manual_measures' table'...
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #6002 'Drop 'manual_measures' table': success | time=6ms
2022.04.25 06:53:53 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #6003 'Drop custom metrics data from 'live_measures' table'...
Restart the container results in DB migration state
2022.04.25 07:04:34 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting Web Server
2022.04.25 07:04:34 INFO web[][o.a.t.u.n.NioSelectorPool] Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
2022.04.25 07:04:35 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.LogServerVersion] SonarQube Server / / 5c36a2e19337da136080a276102eaaefce073c68
2022.04.25 07:04:35 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.EmbeddedDatabase] Starting embedded database on port 9092 with url jdbc:h2:tcp://;NON_KEYWORDS=VALUE
2022.04.25 07:04:35 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.EmbeddedDatabase] Embedded database started. Data stored in: /opt/sonarqube/data
2022.04.25 07:04:35 INFO web[][o.sonar.db.Database] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:h2:tcp://;NON_KEYWORDS=VALUE
2022.04.25 07:04:36 WARN web[][o.s.db.dialect.H2] H2 database should be used for evaluation purpose only.
2022.04.25 07:04:36 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: /opt/sonarqube
2022.04.25 07:04:36 INFO web[][o.s.s.u.SystemPasscodeImpl] System authentication by passcode is disabled
2022.04.25 07:04:37 WARN web[][o.s.s.p.DatabaseServerCompatibility] The database must be manually upgraded. Please backup the database and browse /setup. For more information:
2022.04.25 07:04:37 WARN app[][startup] ################################################################################
2022.04.25 07:04:37 WARN app[][startup] The database must be manually upgraded. Please backup the database and browse /setup. For more information:
2022.04.25 07:04:37 WARN app[][startup] ################################################################################
Since the embedded H2 database does not support migration, /setup
does not help. This issue made the H2 database not usable in 9.4.0-community.