
Results 80 comments of SomeoneElseOSM

> Try pressing the word link in „ Copy this link to share the current code“ until a popup appears that lets you bookmark the link. No such option available...

Somewhat at a tangent from this issue, but useful to address some of the issues that woodpeck mentions above - it'd be great if userids were more visible throughout the...

> Definitely tracking previous names is a violation of both the GDPR and the OSMF ToSs outside of internal use by the DWG. (the usual caveat - I am not...

For completeness this has popped up at again.

(commenting here because issue 2513 has been closed in favour of this) I'm not sure exactly what the requirement that lead to issue 2513 was, but there are ways of...

@grinsted I'm not convinced that Nominatim (particularly one central Nominatim instance that doesn't know "with which worldview" you are asking) is best placed to return the information that you are...

Perhaps the same "your report has been sent" green bar as "Report this User" on a user profile, followed by a redirect to ?

Clearly there's a sliding scale of "inappropriate", from "I wouldn't say that to a brand new mapper" (even if what they did isn't very good mapping) through to "that needs...

Turning this around, why should users who have been blocked from editing for good reason be able to send new OSM messages, raise OSM issues or comment on diary entries?...

@simonpoole Well, ish... It's probably true (in the UK at least) that most do, although I suspect that quite a few of the "landfill Android" users around the world have...