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Compile Tesseract beta release on AMD64 and ARM64 platforms
I am trying to build Tesseract beta 5.0 release using sw.exe. On Intel 64 bit platform I found a way - I have downloaded source, extracted to directory and in that directory I just said: sw.exe build -static . Version tesseract-5.0.0-beta-20210916 worked fine, everything is built and also works. I wanted to repeat the same for ARM64 on Surface X, Visual Studio 2019, command line setup for amd64_arm64 "Environment initialized for: 'x64_arm64'" - there is always cross compilation on Windows on Arm on ARM64 hardware, because Visual Studio is not native arm64 yet. I tried logically same approach: sw.exe build -static -platform=arm64 . but it looks like support for ARM64 target in VS in sw.exe is not yet full - I got errors like: [1/10] Check WORDS_BIGENDIAN requires to be set up manually [5/10] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T requires to be set up manually [3/10] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_SIZE_T requires to be set up manually [4/10] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_VOID_P requires to be set up manually [2/10] Check HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT requires to be set up manually I tried to fix them by hand in respective checks.3.txt.manual.txt file, but handling second library (libarchive) I got even more of those errors: [201/256] Check HAVE_OFF_T requires to be set up manually [204/256] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T requires to be set up manually [207/256] Check HAVE_DEV_T requires to be set up manually [209/256] Check HAVE_INTMAX_T requires to be set up manually [215/256] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED requires to be set up manually [216/256] Check HAVE_INTPTR_T requires to be set up manually [218/256] Check HAVE_INT32_T requires to be set up manually [223/256] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_UINT32_T requires to be set up manually [227/256] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_UINTMAX_T requires to be set up manually [228/256] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_UINT16_T requires to be set up manually [229/256] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_UINT8_T requires to be set up manually [233/256] Check HAVE_INT64_T requires to be set up manually [236/256] Check HAVE_INT16_T requires to be set up manually [239/256] Check HAVE_LONG requires to be set up manually [241/256] Check HAVE_SIZEOF_UINT64_T requires to be set up manually
My question is - in swgui one can see as a possible target ARM64, Is there a way to compile tesseract beta release using sw.exe ? I managed to build ARM64 static version of tesseract using vcpkg, but it takes only released version 4.1 of tesseract and I would like to have 5.0 using beta. Thank you in advance for anny comment on this. Jan Ftacnik, [email protected]
Sw uses configuration checks to provide options to libraries.
We can check size of long
, for example, only on the ARM system or to provide its values manually.
That is why you see such messages.
Check HAVE_LONG requires to be set up manually
To perform these checks on remote ARM host, use following options
-wait-for-cc-checks -cc-checks-command some_script.bat
That script must:
- copy (or rsync) all files in cwd to some remote dir
- run
script in that dir - copy
file back
Excerpts from my macos remote checks script:
set checksdir=sw_checks_dir
ssh egor@%ip% "mkdir %checksdir%"
bash -c "rsync -v -e \"ssh\" ./* egor@%ip%:/Users/egor/%checksdir%/1/"
ssh egor@%ip% "cd %checksdir%/1 && ./run.sh"
bash -c "rsync -v -e \"ssh\" egor@%ip%:/Users/egor/%checksdir%/checks.3.txt.manual.txt .."
ssh egor@%ip% "rm -rf %checksdir%"