helm-company copied to clipboard
is it possible to define helm-company as the default completion method?
aka no more menus, only helm list for whenever company is invoked?
I looked into this a while ago. Helm-Company is not coded in the same way that Company's "official" frontends are. I'm sure it would be possible to refactor Helm-Company into a proper Company frontend, but it'd take a huge effort.
@Sodel-the-Vociferous is probably right. That being said, I'm a lazy fuck, and this works:
(use-package company
:config (setq company-frontends nil)
:hook (after-init . global-company-mode))
(use-package helm-company
:general (general-def
:keymaps '(company-mode-map company-active-map)
"<tab>" #'helm-company
"TAB" #'helm-company))
See #17 if needed, but helm-company
can directly be bound to <Tab>, or any other key. Please comment if helm-company
needs to be improved for interactive use.