ApplicationInsightsRiderPlugin copied to clipboard
Doesnt show Application Insights tab
Rider version
JetBrains Rider 2023.3.3 Build #RD-233.14015.60, built on January 19, 2024 Runtime version: 17.0.9+7-b1087.11 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. Linux 6.5.0-18-generic .NET Core v7.0.10 x64 (Server GC) GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 2048M Cores: 16 Registry: eslint.additional.file.extensions=svelte Non-Bundled Plugins: com.github.lppedd.idea-conventional-commit (0.22.0) org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template (233.11799.172) com.codeium.intellij (1.6.34) fr.socolin.application-insights-debug-log-viewer (1.10.0) com.github.lppedd.idea-conventional-commit-commitlint (0.1.2) dev.meanmail.plugin.nginx-intellij-plugin (2022.1.1) com.intellij.kubernetes (233.14015.29) PythonCore (233.14015.106) (233.14015.147) dev.blachut.svelte.lang (233.14015.23) zielu.gittoolbox (500.1.11+222) mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.5.2) ( Current Desktop: ubuntu:GNOME
Working well for me can you provide more details ? Screenshot or other. The tab only displays when running in the debugger and a log was detected.
Can you copy the content of the Debug Output tab ?