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Support (isolated) Azure Functions
I do not see the tab when debugging isolated azure functions. Will this be supported in the future?
I have the same issue, any chance you can get it working when debugging Azure functions?
The plugin is only listening to the Debug Output
from the attached program. I don't really know how the azure function work since they split it in 2 program.
Maybe you can try to attach to the other process if it's a dotnet one too and see the log are here ?
Also is this working in VS ?
No you are right, it also does not work in VS.
I tried with JetBrains Rider 2023.1.2. It partially works, but there is an issue. It doesn't show information logs, only warning or above.
In Azure, it shows the configured level: information logs and above:
Does thos logs appear in Debug Output
tab (in rider, near between Console
and Paralell Stacks
Does thos logs appear in
Debug Output
tab (in rider, near betweenConsole
andParalell Stacks
only warning and above with this setting:
After testing other settings, I found this one to be working:
Then the problem is not in the extension, as I said before it's probably the same in VS. If they appear in VS and not in the extension then I would need to investigate.
I believe it works fine. However, Isolated Functions need some configuration. I have been able to do this as follow:
// references also:
.ConfigureAppConfiguration( fun hostContext config ->
// Add appsettings.json configuration so we can set logging in configuration.
// Add in example a file called appsettings.json to the root and set the properties to:
// Build Action: Content
// Copy to Output Directory: Copy if newer
// Content:
// {
// "Logging": {
// "LogLevel": {
// "Default": "Error" // Change this to ie Trace for more logging
// }
// }
// }
// It's important to add json config sources before the call to ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults as this
// adds environment variables into configuration enabling overrides by azure configuration settings.
config.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional = true) |> ignore
fun (builder:IFunctionsWorkerApplicationBuilder) ->
let shouldUse (context: FunctionContext) =
let functionName = context.FunctionDefinition.Name.ToLowerInvariant()
|| functionName.Contains("openapi")
|| functionName.Contains("ping")
|| functionName.Contains("oauth2")) |> not
builder.UseWhen<UserIdMiddleware>(shouldUse) |> ignore
builder.UseWhen<TraceContextMiddleware>(shouldUse) |> ignore
fun context services ->
services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetryWorkerService() |> ignore
services.ConfigureFunctionsApplicationInsights() |> ignore
// You will need extra configuration because above will only log per default Warning (default AI configuration) and above because of following line:
// This is documented here:
// So remove the default logger rule (warning and above). This will result that the default will be Information.
services.Configure<LoggerFilterOptions>(fun (options:LoggerFilterOptions) ->
let toRemove = options.Rules.FirstOrDefault (fun rule -> rule.ProviderName = "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights.ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider")
if toRemove <> null then
options.Rules.Remove(toRemove) |> ignore
) |> ignore
fun hostingContext logging ->
logging.AddConfiguration(hostingContext.Configuration.GetSection("Logging")) |> ignore
The appsettings.json looks like this:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Debug"
The plugin responds normally after the changes and seems to be working with Information level: