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Native iOS client for SocketCluster


Native iOS client for SocketCluster

The project is in beta. If you have issues with this client, there are others to choose from:




platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'SocketClusteriOS', '0.3'

Run pod install, you are all set.

Notice: Do not use use_frameworks! in Podfile, it will put the bundle in frameworks folder to cause incorrect path issue. If you need to use this, please consider to send a pull request.


  1. Drag this project into your project as subproject
  2. Setup this project as build dependency
  3. Import the header files #import <SocketClusteriOS/SocketCluster.h>

Static Library

  1. Add libSocketClusteriOS.a, SocketCluster.h and SocketClusterDelegate.h and SocketClusteriOSBundle.bundle to your project.
  2. Import the module by #import <SocketClusteriOS/SocketCluster.h>
  3. In the header file, confront to the protocol <SocketClusterDelegate>, eg. @interface ViewController : UIViewController <SocketClusterDelegate>
  4. Initialize the module and set the delegate to self.
    SocketCluster *sc = [[SocketCluster alloc] init];
    sc.delegate = self; //Self 

### Connect to host

``[socketCluster connectToHost:@"" onPort:8000 securly:NO];``

### Disconnect to host

``[socketCluster disconnect];``

### Get state of a connection

``[socketCluster getState];``

### Listen to an event

Make sure you have implemented protocol ``<SocketClusterDelegate>``

  • (void)socketClusterReceivedEvent:(NSString *)eventName WithData:(NSDictionary *)data; { if ([@"rand" isEqualToString:eventName]) { NSArray *positiveFaces = @[@";p", @":D", @":)", @":3", @";)"]; NSNumber *index = data[@"rand"]; NSString *face = [positiveFaces objectAtIndex:[index intValue]]; NSString *msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"rand event received: %@", face]; [self logMessage:msg]; } }

### Emit an event
  ``data`` can be any format, but they should be serializable
  ``[socketCluster emitEvent:@"eventName" WithData:data];``
### Subscribe to a channel

  ``[socketCluster subscribeToChannel:@"channelName"];``

### Unsubscribe to a channel
  ``[socketCluster unsubscribeFromChannel:@"channelName"];``

### Publish to a channel
  ``data`` can be in any format
  ``[socketCluster publishToChannel:@"channelName" WithData:data];``
### Listen to channelEvents (``watch`` in JS client)

Make sure you have implemented protocol ``<SocketClusterDelegate>``

  • (void)socketclusterChannelReceivedEvent:(NSString *)channel WithData:(NSDictionary *)data { if ([@"pong" isEqualToString:channel]) { [self logMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Channel %@ received message %@", channel, data[@"data"]]]; }


### Get list of all subscriptions

  ``NSArray * subscriptions = [socketCluster getSubscriptions];``
### Get list of all subscriptions including pending subscriptions
  ``NSArray * subscriptions = [socketCluster getSubscriptionsIncludingPending];``

### Some other useful callbacks

All these callback would only work if you have implemented protocol ``<SocketClusterDelegate>``

  • (void)socketClusterDidConnect { [self logMessage:@"Connected"]; }
  • (void)socketClusterDidDisconnect { [self logMessage:@"Disconnected"]; }
  • (void)socketClusterOnError { [self logMessage:@"Error"]; }