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[General Usage]: Why do I need to fully qualify snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role.account_role_name?
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Terraform Configuration
I have some Snowflake role grants that I want to bring under the control of terraform, so I need to import them. Here is my code:
locals {
monitor_usage_task_roles = toset([
import {
for_each = local.monitor_usage_task_roles
to = snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role.monitor_usage_task[each.key]
id = "${each.key}|false|false|MONITOR USAGE|OnAccount"
resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_usage_task" {
for_each = local.monitor_usage_task_roles
privileges = ["MONITOR USAGE"]
account_role_name = each.key
with_grant_option = false
on_account = true
The resulting plan looks like this for all those roles:
# snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role.monitor_usage_task["MY_ROLE1"] must be replaced
# (imported from "MY_ROLE1|false|false|MONITOR USAGE|OnAccount")
# Warning: this will destroy the imported resource
-/+ resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_usage_task" {
~ account_role_name = "\"MY_ROLE1\"" -> "MY_ROLE1" # forces replacement
all_privileges = false
always_apply = false
~ id = "MY_ROLE1|false|false|MONITOR USAGE|OnAccount" -> (known after apply)
on_account = true
privileges = [
with_grant_option = false
Obviously # Warning: this will destroy the imported resource
is very worrying, I definitely don't want to do that.
I note from https://registry.terraform.io/providers/Snowflake-Labs/snowflake/latest/docs/resources/grant_privileges_to_account_role#import that
All the …_name parts should be fully qualified names (where every part is quoted)
So I change my import block to this (note the new escaped quotes in the id of the import):
import {
for_each = local.monitor_usage_task_roles
to = snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role.monitor_usage_task[each.key]
id = "\"${each.key}\"|false|false|MONITOR USAGE|OnAccount"
The new plan is:
# snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role.monitor_usage_task["MY_ROLE1"] must be replaced
# (imported from ""MY_ROLE1"|false|false|MONITOR USAGE|OnAccount")
# Warning: this will destroy the imported resource
-/+ resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_usage_task" {
~ account_role_name = "\"MY_ROLE1\"" -> "MY_ROLE1" # forces replacement
all_privileges = false
always_apply = false
~ id = "\"MY_ROLE1\"|false|false|MONITOR USAGE|OnAccount" -> (known after apply)
on_account = true
privileges = [
with_grant_option = false
Note the warning, my resource is still going to be destroyed due to the altered account_role_name
Hence I add the same escaping to account_role_name
resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_usage_task" {
for_each = local.monitor_usage_task_roles
privileges = ["MONITOR USAGE"]
account_role_name = "\"${each.key}\""
with_grant_option = false
on_account = true
This time my plan looks better
# snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role.monitor_usage_task["MY_ROLE1"] will be imported
resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_usage_task" {
account_role_name = "\"MY_ROLE1\""
all_privileges = false
always_apply = false
id = "\"MY_ROLE1\"|false|false|MONITOR USAGE|OnAccount"
on_account = true
privileges = [
with_grant_option = false
This doesn't feel right though. If I was defining brand new privileges for a role I wouldn't have to wrap account_role_name
with escaped quotes, so why do I have to do it when importing? That import block will be removed after the objects are imported so I'm left with escaped quotes around account_role_name
with no real reason for them being there (other than they were required for importing). Moreover, I'm concerned that the role refered to when this gets applied will be
as opposed to -
This seems like a strange stipulation. What is the peculiar circumstance that requires me to use escaped quotes when importing?
Object type(s)
Expected Behavior
I would have expected this code to be sufficient
resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_usage_task" {
for_each = local.monitor_usage_task_roles
privileges = ["MONITOR USAGE"]
account_role_name = each.key
with_grant_option = false
on_account = true
Actual Behavior
I'm required to use
resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_usage_task" {
for_each = local.monitor_usage_task_roles
privileges = ["MONITOR USAGE"]
account_role_name = "\"${each.key}\""
with_grant_option = false
on_account = true
Steps to Reproduce
Create a role in the Snowflake UI Use the code provided above to try to import it
How much impact is this issue causing?
No response
Additional Information
I don't think so, but if other info is required please let me know