sfguide-data-engineering-with-snowpark-python copied to clipboard
To align with best practices and to assure that session are really closed in case of errors examples should use snowpakr sesson in the following way: ```py with Session.builder.getOrCreate() as...
Inside utils/snowpark_utils.py #### THIS WILL NOT WORK AS THE KEYS BETWEEN SNOWCLI AND SNOWPARK ARE DIFFERENT!! # Convert snowsql connection variable names to snowcli ones # session_config_dict = { #...
Getting error while running following command:- ----------------------------------------- snow procedure create Resolving any requirements from requirements.txt... Comparing provided packages from Snowflake Anaconda... No packages to manually resolve Writing requirements.snowflake.txt file... ....
When running the 02_load_raw.py file, I encountered the following error: `Loading country Failed to execute query [queryID: 01accf15-0302-122a-0001-a636000250a6] use schema RAW_POS 002043 (02000): SQL compilation error: Object does not exist,...
In the Configure Credentials step, it is suggested that you specify the connection with a default role, warehouse and database. The creation of these objects, however, is not until the...
When running the `02_load_raw.py` file, there is an error as seen below. `Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\sfguide-data-engineering-with-snowpark-python\utils\snowpark_utils.py", line 74, in get_snowsql_config session_config = config[connection_path] File ".\miniconda3\envs\pysnowpark\lib\configparser.py", line 960,...