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Database 'OPENCELLID' does not exist or not authorized.
Hello -
I just created snow-flake trial account and started with streamlit app examples. I ran geospatial/streamlit-apps/H3-SiS/basic_h3.py (added all required packages, account admin role) . I got SnowparkSQLException: (1304): 01b2a8e7-0001-b505-0005-58e6000140c2: 002003 (02000): SQL compilation error: Database 'OPENCELLID' does not exist or not authorized.
Is there something did I miss?
@iamlaksh1, the app requires the installation of a free dataset from the marketplace. this one: https://app.snowflake.com/marketplace/listing/GZSVZ8ON6J/dataconsulting-pl-opencellid-open-database-of-cell-towers?search=opencellid