Procedural-Terrain-Estimator copied to clipboard
Generate Height map with Generator (OpenGL and imgui) and Construct Splat Map with generated height map using Algorithm(DPS, BFS, Gradient Descent ... etc) . At Renderer, with height map and blend map...
Procedural Terrain Estimator
PTE consists of two programs, Renderer and Editing tool.
The main usage of these programs is for generating 3D terrain by editing noise map and controlling several parameters of noise function.
Renderer is mainly for viewing resources (height map, or equivalently, displacement map and blend map) which are generated by the Editing tool. Renderer always checks if resources have been modified, and ,if it does, reload resources in the OpenGL Current Context. This makes it easier for the users to edit resources and debug resources.
Editing tool consists of two stages, Generator and Estimator.
At Generator stage, users can edit height map with several noise functions by controlling several parameters of each noise functions. Also enable to edit output board directly with additive brush / decline brush / lasso (free-form) / lasso (polygonal) / etc ..
At Estimator stage, you can generate blend map associated with height map which you are editing.
This will be automatically done using several terrain related algorithms.
Demo Video
Renderer :
- Quad-tree based non-uniform patch primitive terrain
- Dynamic Level Of Detail
- Resource hot-reload technique (only for height map and blend map)
- Sky box (rotation supported)
- Water rendering (with reflection and refraction)
- Fog (at terrain)
- Shadow mapping
- Gamma correction
- Tone mapping
- Motion Blur
- Wireframe view (at geometry shader)
- HDR Environment map (not included in release product)
- Crepuscular Lighting (God-rays)
Generator :
- several noise functions(voronoi, simplex, fbM) are supported
- brush, lasso, move, zoom in/out tools
- 16bit height map writing supported.
- load preset images supported
Estimator :
- Blend map generation by elevation descent mapping.
- Height map smoothness control.
- Height map normalize.
How to build
will be supported ...
How to Use
Generate height map and blend map at the first :
- Open both the Renderer and the Generator .
- Set Renderer parameters as you want.
- With renderer opened, switch to generator program.
- Change noises' parameters and Edit noise board with several brushes as you want.
- If you finished your editing, scroll down GUI and select "Export Images".
- Export your height map and blend map!
- Watch your resources you just created with Renderer. (It automatically loaded your resources).
Generate blend map from your own height map. (but, height map must be 16bit single channel)
- Put your height map to resources/texture/preset directory.
- Open the generator.
- At the GUI, set the blend values of whole noises to zero.
- In the "Preset" tree node, select your height map and export it. Done.
Renderer :
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Camera view mode (top-view, left-to-middle, right-to-middle ...)
- W,A,S,D - Camera movement
- Cursor move with LMB pressed - Camera rotation
- RMB - Camera Zoom in/out (automatically and smoothly)
- Mouse Wheel - Camera Zoom in/out
- Space bar - Renderer Pause
- ESC - quit program
Editing Tool :
- 1, 2, 3 - Swap board for brushwork.
- R - reset brush
- B - Additive brush
- N - Erase
- Z - Zoom in
- X - Zoom out
- C - Lasso (polygonal)
- F - Lasso (free-form)
- M - move scroll
- glfw3
- glad
- spdlog
- glm
- stb_image
- imgui
- opencv
Tested Environment
CPU | GPU | OS | it Work? | Frame time |
i7-7700HQ | Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 | Windows 64bit | O | 8 (ms) |
i5-? | HD630 | Windows 64bit | O | ? |
@snowapril - generator and renderer
@kkorona - estimator
MIT License