feedback copied to clipboard
A few ideas | 几个想法 (OCR…
Sorry, I can't speak chinese. But I have a few ideas.
- Translating the application to Polish. I could translate it to Polish from English 😃
- Adding an upload to imgur button somewhere in here, opening the imgur website and browsing through the pictures is annoying 😉
- OCR Text recognition button to screenshot something and copy it in the text form 😃
对不起,我不能说中文。 这是使用Google翻译器编写的,你可能更喜欢阅读英文文本。 但我有几个想法。
1.将应用程序翻译成波兰语。 我可以把它翻译成波兰语从英语😃 2.在这里的某个地方添加上传到imgur按这里,打开imgur网站和浏览图片是烦人的 😉 3. OCR文本识别按钮来截断某物,并以文本形式复制 😃
Actually, English issues are very welcome here. 😃
- Thanks for willing to translate! Please drop me an email and I will send you the instructions for translation.
- The upload/share feature is planned, but not in the near feature.
- OCR is a nice suggestion and not requested by other users yet. I will add it to the to-do list.
Thanks for your suggestions.
@liulex I have also another suggestion that I just noticed, if it would be possible make the application run on startup as administrator, since when using the hotkey on the Window that is in Admin mode, Hotkey will not work.
Login to admin account and add Snipaste.exe to startup using (free) "WhatInStartup" ... You can add items with "WhatInStartup"
My theory :)
@bawldiggle Thansk for your solution. I love NirSoft too. :) @Wirus-deleted-my-username 'Startup as admin' will be added in the next version (1.10.0).
need ocr the same
话说,如果OCR能支持绝大部分语言,而不是只有英文中文的话。。应该会更实用些? 毕竟通常情况下,使用OCR都是在不能/不方便打字的情况下。
@G-monitor 显然非常不现实 而且 OCR 方面有很多专利的 显然是难免避免法务问题的 see
不一定自己写 OCR,用第三方提供的或者开源的也行啊,没有盈利一般不会涉及专利侵权。
OCR 肯定不会自己写的,大家可以推荐一下合适的第三方库。
tesseract 这个是开源的ocr项目
1.这次是 JS 版的 OCR 识别文字
腾讯,百度都提供免费的OCR API,调用很简单,就是上传图片,返回字符串。OCR的功能还是用处挺大的。 供参考。
@liulex @Wirus-deleted-my-username @bawldiggle I think we don't need to run as administrator, please reference Auto Hot Key, UI Access right is enough. I think this solution is better, because what we need is just repsonsing the hotkey, right? we do not need more right than that.
云端的API也可以,比如:文字识别软件-文字识别技术-OCR-百度云 百度OCR每月15000次,每天500次,如果不够的话可以让用户自己申请一个百度云账号,在设置里填 API Key 和 Secret Key,就像:
可以用UWP提供的API Windows.Media.Ocr
不知道能否做到类似 FooView 悬浮球的实现方式(见下方动图)
FooView 在手机上使用起来,好像不是用的 OCR 识别,是直接从窗口组件中提取文字,不知 Windows 上能否实现。这里也有个 Windows 窗口文字提取仓库应该可以参考( )
I don't know if it is possible to use some tech that FooView hoverball uses (see gif below).
It seems that FooView does not use OCR recognition, but extracts text directly from the window component. I don't know if this is possible on Windows. There is a Windows window text extraction repository, for reference ( ).
+1 for OCR
过来看一下OCR怎么样了,虽然TIM、QQ都有OCR,但是不常开QQ,用起来还是有心里阻力。 这个功能从16年等到了22年,不知作者大佬对OCR功能的排期如何?
+1 ocr
希望近期能看到支持OCR的消息,我有的时候不得不使用QQ来进行OCR识别图片中的问题,毕竟这个在任何角度来讲都太方便了,这个功能加快进度啊!!!!!!!! 调用第三方的api然后让我自己去申请也可以啊!!!!!!! OCR OCR OCR 重要的事情说三遍!!! 重要的事情说三遍!!! 重要的事情说三遍!!!
win10 有自带的本地 OCR 引擎
win10 有自带的本地 OCR 引擎
是的,参考 @liulex