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No Hostname for Global Pools and a Lot of Data Not Getting Updated
I have this problem that I think is causing a bunch of other issues... basically when you go to my ports page all the global hostnames are left out. They are not returned in the API for some reason. Also, the IP address is shown as an available address (I'm using this for Docker purposes) and it should be hidden but it shows connected miners.
Here's my port page:
If you look at it you'll see a connected miner but my pool hash rates don't reflect the hashing of the miner. Also, the global settings here don't have hostnames:
Sharehost in mysql :
what do you mean?
Check your sharehost in mysql if it's correct. UPDATE pool.config SET item_value = '' WHERE module = 'general' and item = 'shareHost';
It's for default caddy. For nginx or apache, you tweak http for the same. Do you know Golang language ? I'm interested if you rebase nodejs-pool in Golang ;)
Is there a way I can manually test the leafApi endpoint?
I don't know Golang... I'm primarily a FE JS developer. What sort of new features are you looking for?
Nvm... I think the leaf endpoint is working now because a hash rate is showing up for the pool. Do you know why there are no blocks though?
That part is for blocks found. Your pool haven’t found any blocks yet. Pour 2 Mh/s (mega hashes) to your pool, you will see blocks after some hours.
I really like your GUI. Are you using dynamic texts ? Scrolling is a bit moving. --> totalBlocksFound : 0 (even you modified mysql database) {"pool_list":["pplns","solo"],"pool_statistics":{"hashRate":30,"miners":1,"totalHashes":765385242,"lastBlockFoundTime":0,"lastBlockFound":0,"totalBlocksFound":0,"totalMinersPaid":0,"totalPayments":0,"roundHashes":765385242},"last_payment":0}
2Mh/s? Doesn't that cost a lot of money?
Also, it'd be great if you could give me any tips you might have for the redesign of PoolUI (which you see at Are there any new features that should be added etc.? I'd really appreicate your advice since I see you're very active in the community here.
The GUI is here:
I've redone most of the admin section too... This project will probably be done in a couple weeks with extra bells and whistles.
So once you find a block, is it a race verses other people to see who can calculate the block first?
From my point of view, the miners want to see coin price graph (in USD or BTC) and his reward graph (per day...). If you can add these two features, it will be better than other GUIs.
It’s probabability. More hashes the pool has more chance the pool find a block. Lottery.
My advice is to setup an AEON pool, it’s easier to find block and test pool (10 kH/s is OK). With XMR, 2 Mh/s can take a day to find a block (it costs alot of money)
I started adding the features you mentioned... I just added the coin graph which live streams data:
Are there any other currencies that I can mine with say 500H/s?
Also, what other currencies does nodejs-pool support?
Wow , the coin graph looks beautiful. But you need to test on mobile (it doesn’t stay on same line, put less decimals) At the moment nodejs-pool support natively XMR, AEON and other Monero’s forks (Sumo, Electroneum, Graft, ...). I’m busy with ASIC coins at the moment. For AEON, I can help your pool with 1 kH/s but it’s not enough, we still need more miners’ help. XMR or SUMO is no no (too much hashrate), you can try with some shit coins who recently forked from Monero. Stelial (I don’t remember well the name, Google it)
How can I add AEON support to my version of PoolUI (
I'd like to bring support for every coin that NodeJS-Pool can handle... any tips?
Also, do you know why the AEON installation process is commented out in this file:
Setup a GRAFT pool if you want to find block faster for testing purpose. 7 MH/s nicehash for 10 - 15 mins will get you a block or two. Also you can exchange those coins once trading is live.
Don’t listen to that bullshit advice. Graft is not on exhange at the moment. “Once trading is live” ? Are you sure ? Evidence ? Exchange annoucement ? Concrete plan ? WTF ! Sumo is easier to find a block and you can convert coins back to Bitcoin to rent hashing power. With Graft, your coins are fxxxked (keep those as long term investment). For development, liquidity is number one priority.
I accept that there is no exact date for exchange and also liquidity is important for development. Graft is good for HODLers. @bobbieltd Thanks for explaining.
@gokul57 Sorry, I talked abit rude. Graft plan sounds very nice but they are stuck at hybrid model. That’s why there is no exchange (easy thing for them but they want to postpone it). HODL is good strategy with Graft, risks come with return. If they are successful with supernodes (devs are working on it), Graft will be the best coin (high price). However, it’s a gamble and I’m not sure if they can implement what they planned. I got some Grafts too. Graft is a good gamble for investors.
@TimeTravelersHackedMe I belive @Snipa22 hasn't finished updating the deploy.bash for Aeon. You should be ok with