dyplayer copied to clipboard
DY-HV8F with Raspberry Pico MicroPython using UART
I am trying to play the audio file 00001.mp3 on the board using the UART of the Raspberry Pico using MicroPython
from machine import UART, Pin from time import sleep uart = UART(0, 9600, tx=Pin(0), rx=Pin(1)) uart.write(b'\xAA\x07\x02\x00\x01\xB4')
I have the dip switch set (3 on 1 & 2 off) to UART mode. I have PICO UART0TX Wired to RX/101 and PICO UART0RX Wired to TX/100. but I get no audio. If I set the switches to autoplay the file in a loop at power up that works. SO the file and the board to work. But it doesn't seem to play audio using the UART
I think the issue is sending the play specific file command.
Is there anyway to use dyplayer on a Pico board?