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Bug: Copy TPU Print Profile does not work ('qualityType' missing)

Open ramhee98 opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

🐞 bug report

Affected Version(s) 4.7.2

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '3D Printing'
  2. Click on 'Material'
  3. Click on 'Select material'
  4. Select any TPU Profile
  5. Now most of the Print Profiles are hidden but there is a Default Provile called 'Normal Print'
  6. Go to 'More Settings >'
  7. Copy the 'Normal Print' Profile
  8. The copied Profile won't show up (not even after a Luban restart)

Expected behavior The copied Profile should be visible when a TPU Filament is selected. The JSON Parameter "qualityType": "tpu" is missing when cloning a TPU Profile.

Hotfix for Community

  1. Export desired Profile
  2. Add "qualityType": "tpu", in the JSON file below 'typeOfPrinting'
  3. Import
  4. Restart Luban

🌍 Your Environment


  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
  • Printer: Snapmaker A250T

ramhee98 avatar Apr 19 '23 16:04 ramhee98