creative-kit-sample copied to clipboard
ios share to snapchat can not open
take my Client ID and bundle id to demo,can open snapchat. but take demo code to new project and client,can not open snapchat i want wo kown how can i setting ?it will be work.
-(void)initShare{ [SCSDKSnapKit initSDK]; _scSdkAnapApi = [SCSDKSnapAPI new]; isShareing = false; }
-(void)share:(UG_ShareData *)shareParams type:(NSInteger)type{ [self initShare]; if(isShareing) { return; } if (type == shareEventType_Img) { NSLog(@"SnapChatShare=1"); [self shareImg:shareParams]; }else if(type == shareEventType_Video) { [self shareVideo:shareParams]; }else{ NSLog(@"share=======未开发的分享类型"); } }
-(void)shareImg:(UG_ShareData *)shareParams{ // NSString *contentType = @"image"; UIImage *snapImage = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:shareParams.imgPath]; if (snapImage == NULL) { NSLog(@"SnapChatShare=2"); [[UG_ShareManager sharedInstance] onShareResult: shareReCode_Fail]; return; } isShareing = true; NSLog(@"SnapChatShare=3"); SCSDKSnapPhoto *photo = [[SCSDKSnapPhoto alloc] initWithImage:snapImage]; SCSDKPhotoSnapContent photoContent = [[SCSDKPhotoSnapContent alloc] initWithSnapPhoto:photo]; NSLog(@"SnapChatShare=4"); [_scSdkAnapApi startSendingContent:photoContent completionHandler:^(NSError error){ isShareing = false; NSLog(@"SnapChatShare:@%ld",error.code); if(error.code ==0) { NSLog(@"SnapChatShare=5"); [[UG_ShareManager sharedInstance] onShareResult: shareReCode_Suc]; }else{ NSLog(@"SnapChatShare=6"); [[UG_ShareManager sharedInstance] onShareResult: shareReCode_Fail]; } }]; }
log shows "SnapChatShare=4" later,it will be no.