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New IterTools Functionality Discussion
This thread is for discussion new functionality to implement in IterTools. Please reply with suggestions for new functionality.
Here are some of the functions I am considering implementing. Some are more useful than others.
Shuffle the elements in the iterable.
function *shuffle<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>): Iterable<T>
Filter RegEx
Filter for elements where the regular expression matches.
function *filterRegEx<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, regex: string): Iterable<T>
All permutations of size length
function *permutations<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, length: number) Iterable<T>
All combinations of size length
function *combinations<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, length: int) Iterable<T>
Combinations With Replacement
All combinations, with repeated elements, of size length
function *combinationsWithReplacement<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, length: number) Iterable<T>
Reverse of zip. E.g.: ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3] => ['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]
function *unzip(...iterables: Array<Iterable | Iterator>): Array
Note: specify types.
To Random Value
Reduce the iterable to any random value in the iterable.
function *toRandomValue<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>): T
To Nth
Reduce the iterable to the value at the nth position.
function *toNth<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>): T
To Frequencies
Reduce the iterable to a frequency distribution showing how often each different value in the data occurs.
function *toFrequencies<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>): Array<number>
To String
Reduces to a string joining all elements.
- Optional separator to insert between items.
- Optional prefix to prepend to the string.
- Optional suffix to append to the string.
function *toString<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, separator: string, prefix: string, suffix: string): string
Not All Match
True if not all the elements are true according to the predicate.
function *notAllMatch<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, predicate: (datum: T) => boolean): boolean
Is Empty
True if the iterable is empty.
function *isEmpty<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>): boolean
All Equal
True if all elements of the iterable are equal.
funcion *allEqual<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>): boolean
Note: Consider maybe adding a strict parameter, or alternate method allSame
Are Permutations
True if iterables are permutations of each other.
function *arePermutations<T>(...iterables: Array<Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>>): boolean
Is Partitioned
Returns true if all elements of given collection that satisfy the predicate appear before all elements that don't.
- Returns true for empty collection or for collection with single item.
- Default predicate if not provided is the boolean value of each data item.
function *isPartitioned<T>(...iterable: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, predicate?: (datum: T) => boolean): boolean
Compares first iterable against one or more other iterables and iterates the values in array that are not present in any of the other arrays.
function *difference<T>(
...iterables: Array<Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>>
): Iterable<T>
Distribute the elements of the iterable evenly into n smaller iterables. Ex: ([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) => [1, 3], [2, 4]
function *distribute<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, n: number): Iterable<Array<T>>
Divide the elements of the iterable evenly into n smaller iterables, maintaining order. Ex: ([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) => [1, 2], [3, 4]
function *divide<T>(data: Iterable<T> | Iterator<T>, n: number): Iterable<Array<T>>
Generate random selections from an array of values.
If optional param repetitions
not given then iterate infinitely.
function *choice<T>(items: Array<T>, repetitions?: number): Iterable<T>
Coin Flip
Generate random coin flips (0 or 1).
If optional param repetitions
not given then iterate infinitely.
function *coinFlip(repetitions?: number): Iterable<number>
Generate random boolean values.
If optional param repetitions
not given then iterate infinitely.
function *bool(repetitions?: number): Iterable<boolean>
Generate random integer numbers.
If optional param repetitions
not given then iterate infinitely.
function *booleans(min: number, max: number, repetitions?: number): Iterable<boolean>
Generate a random percentage between 0 and 1.
If optional param repetitions
not given then iterate infinitely.
function *percentage(repetitions?: number): Iterable<number>
Generate random rock-paper-scissors hands. Return values: "rock", "paper", "scissors".
If optional param repetitions
not given then iterate infinitely.
function *rockPaperScissors(repetitions?: number): Iterable<string>
@Smoren First of all, thank you for a wonderful library.
I guess it's pretty hard to implement a FP version of it where functions are curried and parameters are inversed using TS, right?
An example:
const takeWhile = _.curry(function* takeWhile(predicateFn, iterable) {
for (const item of iterable) {
if (predicateFn(item)) {
yield item;
} else {
const limitAsync = _.curry(async function* limitAsync(count, iterable) {
if (count < 0) {
throw new TypeError(`Limit must be ≥ 0. Got ${count}`);
let i = 0;
for await (const datum of iterable) {
if (i >= count) {
yield datum;
// …
const asyncIterable = httpClient.fetchSomePaginatedDataIterable();
const fetch100ItemsOrLess = _.compose(
flatMapAsync(response =>,
const result = await fetch100ItemsOrLess(asyncIterable);
Hi @zveroboy! Thank you for your feedback! I think you can use streams for such tasks.
import { AsyncStream } from 'itertools-ts';
const fetch100ItemsOrLess = async (response) => await AsyncStream.of(response)
.flatMap(response =>
const result = await fetch100ItemsOrLess(asyncIterable);