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A debugger library using VEH.
A debugger library using VEH.
What is it ?
This is a simple debugger library for monitoring data access and writing using hardware breakpoints which manages debugging using the Windows Exception Handling system (inspired by VEH of the Cheat Engine).
How to use this?
You can compile your own project using the Debugger library or you can use one of the ready-made examples using the lib. In the examples you will find ways to debug your own executable or create a dll to attach to another process and debug it. (use an injector for this.) And add the addresses you want to know who write, access or execute.
An example of what can be done with this library.
This example uses ImGui
Examples of integration into your project:
Hook using VExDebugger
// Init the debugger
HandlerType::VectoredExceptionHandler, // Handle the exception type
true // Enable save text logs
pTargetAddress, // Target function address
BkpMethod::Hardware, // Hardware breakpoint
BkpTrigger::Execute, // When executing
BkpSize::Size_1, // Whatever for type execute
[ pDetour ]( PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExceptRec, PCONTEXT pContext ) -> CBReturn {
pContext->Rip = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(hookFunction); // function that must be detoured
return CBReturn::StopTrace; // stop until next run
Tracer using VExDebugger
// Init the debugger
HandlerType::VectoredExceptionHandler, // Handle the exception type
true // Enable save text logs
pTargetAddress, // Target function address
BkpMethod::Hardware, // Hardware breakpoint
BkpTrigger::ReadWrite, // When any instruction reads or writes to that address
BkpSize::Size_1, // Check in 1 byte space
[ pDetour ]( PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExceptRec, PCONTEXT pContext ) -> CBReturn {
std::cout << "Address: 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << pContext->Rip << "\n";
return CBReturn::StepOver; // Once you reach the trigger, you can continue debugging the next instructions. between the StepOver or StepInto
Using monitor address
// Init the debugger
HandlerType::VectoredExceptionHandler, // Handle the exception type
true // Enable save text logs
pTargetAddress, // Target function address
BkpMethod::PageExceptions, // Hardware breakpoint
BkpTrigger::ReadWrite, // When any instruction reads or writes to that address
BkpSize::Size_8 // Check in 8 bytes space
To know which instructions fell into triggers.
You must list using:
VExDebugger::CallBreakpointList( []( TBreakpointList BreakpointList ) -> void {
for ( const auto& [Address, BpInfo] : BreakpointList ) {
if ( !Address )
VExDebugger::CallAssocExceptionList( [&]( TAssocExceptionList AssocExceptionList ) -> void {
auto ItExceptionList = AssocExceptionList.find( Address );
if ( ItExceptionList == AssocExceptionList.end( ) )
auto& ExceptionList = ItExceptionList->second;
std::cout << "\nIndex: " << ( BpInfo.Pos + 1 ) << ", Address: 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << Address << "\n";
for ( const auto& [ExceptionAddress, ExceptionInfo] : ExceptionList ) {
std::cout << "\tCount " <<
std::setfill( ' ' ) << std::setw( 8 ) << std::dec << ExceptionInfo.Details.Count << "\n";
if ( BpInfo.Trigger != BkpTrigger::Execute )
std::cout << " ExceptionAddress: 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << ExceptionAddress << "\n";
std::cout << " ThreadId: " << std::dec << ExceptionAddress << "\n";
} );
} );
Nota: It may have problems depending on some variant not yet tested.
✔ Windows : 64 bits or 32 bits
Breakpoint methods
- [x] Hardware
- [x] Page Exceptions
Breakpoint types
- [x] Write
- [x] Read/Write
- [x] Execute
What was used to compile?
- Use Visual Studio - (Download)
- Platform tools - Visual Studio 2022 (v143)
- C++ SDK version used - 10.0.22621.0
- VEH inspired: cheat-engine