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I completed the Chinese translation of lang and hope to provide some support for this project.

Open tarimren-admin opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

"Dead" en:"Dead" bp:"Nenhum" cn:"死亡"

"Warmup" en:"Warmup" bp:"Aquecimento" cn:"热身模式"

"Starting" en:"Starting" bp:"Inciando" cn:"开始"

"First Half" en:"First Half" bp:"Primero Tempo" cn:"上半场比赛"

"Half Time" en:"Half Time" bp:"Intervalo" cn:"中场休息"

"Second Half" en:"Second Half" bp:"Segundo Tempo" cn:"下半场比赛"

"Overtime" en:"Overtime" bp:"Overtime" cn:"加时赛"

"Finished" en:"Finished" bp:"Fim" cn:"结束"

"%s Build %s (\3%s\1)" en:"%s Build %s (\3%s\1)" bp:"%s Versão %s (\3%s\1)" cn:"%s 建立 %s (\3%s\1)"

"Say \\1 to view command list." en:"Say \\1 to view command list." bp:"Say \\1 para ver a lista de comandos." cn:"Say \\1 查看命令列表."

"%s started, get ready!" en:"%s started, get ready!" bp:"%s iniciado, prepare-se!" cn:"%s 已经开始,做好准备!"

"%s started: \3Good Luck & Have Fun!" en:"%s started: \3Good Luck & Have Fun!" bp:"%s iniciado: \3Good Luck & Have Fun!" cn:"%s 开始: \3祝你好运 & 玩的开心!"

"Failed to start match: \3Not enough players.\1" en:"Failed to start match: \3Not enough players.\1" bp:"Falha ao começar a partida: \3Jogadores insuficientes.\1" cn:"开启比赛失败: \3玩家人数不足.\1"

"Failed to continue match: \3Not enough players.\1" en:"Failed to continue match: \3Not enough players.\1" bp:"Falha ao continuar partida: \3ogadores insuficientes.\1" cn:"无法继续比赛: \3玩家人数不足.\1"

"\3%s\1 started Vote Map." en:"\3%s\1 started Vote Map." bp:"\3%s\1 iniciou a escolha do mapa." cn:"\3%s\1 开始投票换图."

"Cannot start an vote in \3%s\1 state." en:"Cannot start an vote in \3%s\1 state." bp:"Falha ao iniciar a escolha do mapa no estado \3%s\1." cn:"在 \3%s\1 状态下无法进行投票."

"\3%s\1 started Vote Team." en:"\3%s\1 started Vote Team." bp:"\3%s\1 iniciou a escolha dos times." cn:"\3%s\1 开始投票选队."

"Cannot start vote team in \3%s\1 state." en:"Cannot start vote team in \3%s\1 state." bp:"Falha ao iniciar a escolha dos times no estado \3%s\1." cn:"在 \3%s\1 状态下无法投票选队."

"\3%s\1 started match." en:"\3%s\1 started match." bp:"\3%s\1 iniciou a partida." cn:"\3%s\1 开始比赛."

"Cannot start match in \3%s\1 state." en:"Cannot start match in \3%s\1 state." bp:"Falha ao iniciar a partida no estado \3%s\1." cn:"在 \3%s\1 状态下无法开启比赛."

"\3%s\1 stopped match." en:"\3%s\1 stopped match." bp:"\3%s\1 finalizou a partida." cn:"\3%s\1 终止比赛."

"Cannot stop match in \3%s\1 state." en:"Cannot stop match in \3%s\1 state." bp:"Falha ao finalizar a partida no estado \3%s\1." cn:"在 \3%s\1 状态下无法终止比赛."

"\3%s\1 restarted \4%s\1 period, get ready!." en:"\3%s\1 restarted \4%s\1 period, get ready!." bp:"\3%s\1 reiniciou o periodo \4%s\1, esteja pronto!." cn:"\3%s\1 重新开始 \4%s\1 阶段, 做好准备!."

"Cannot restart period in \3%s\1 state." en:"Cannot restart period in \3%s\1 state." bp:"Falha ao reiniciar o periodo no estado \3%s\1." cn:"在 \3%s\1 状态下无法重新开始."

"Pause Match" en:"Pause Match" bp:"Pausar Partida" cn:"暂停比赛"

"Match already paused, try on next round." en:"Match already paused, try on next round." bp:"A partida já está em pausa, tente em em outro round." cn:"比赛已经暂停,下一轮重试."

"\3%s\1 Paused match, game will pause on next round freezetime." en:"ADMIN: \3%s\1 Paused match, game will pause on next round freezetime." bp:"ADMIN: \3%s\1 Pausou a partida, o jogo será pausado no início do próximo round." cn:"管理员: \3%s\1 暂停了比赛,比赛将在下回合开始时暂停."

"Cannot pause match in \3%s\1 state." en:"Cannot pause match in \3%s\1 state." bp:"Impossível pausar enquanto está no estado \3%s\1." cn:"不能在 \3%s\1 状态下暂停比赛."

"MATCH PAUSED\n%s LEFT" en:"MATCH PAUSED\n%s LEFT" bp:"JOGO PAUSADO\n%s RESTANTE(S)" cn:"比赛暂停.暂停时间剩余 \n%s 秒"

"Match paused: Match will continue in \3%s\1." en:"Match paused: Match will continue in \3%s\1." bp:"Match paused: Match will continue in \3%s\1." cn:"比赛暂停: 将在 \3%s\1 秒后继续进行."

"Status: \4%s\1 (Players %d) (%d Required of %d Allowed)" en:"Status: \4%s\1 (Players %d) (%d Required of %d Allowed)" bp:"Status: \4%s\1 (Jogadores %d) (%d Requeridos de %d permitidos)" cn:"状态: \4%s\1 (玩家:%d) (获准:%d||要求:%d)"

"Unable to use this command now." en:"Unable to use this command now." bp:"Impossível usar esse comando agora." cn:"现在无法使用此命令."

"Game Over! The \3%s\1 have won the game: %d-%d" en:"Game Over! The \3%s\1 have won the game: %d-%d" bp:"Fim de Jogo! Os \3%s\1 venceram: %d-%d" cn:"比赛结束! \3%s\1 赢得比赛.比分|: %d-%d"

"The \3%s\1 are winning: %d-%d" en:"The \3%s\1 are winning: %d-%d" bp:"Os \3%s\1 estão vencendo: %d-%d" cn:" \3%s\1 获胜.比分|: %d-%d"

"Game Over! Score is tied: %d-%d" en:"Game Over! Score is tied: %d-%d" bp:"Fim de Jogo! Placar empatado: %d-%d" cn:"比赛结束! 平局: %d-%d"

"Score is tied: %d-%d" en:"Score is tied: %d-%d" bp:"Placar empatado: %d-%d" cn:"平局: %d-%d"

"--- MATCH IS LIVE ---" en:"--- MATCH IS LIVE ---" bp:"--- MATCH IS LIVE ---" cn:"--- 比赛开始!祝好运,玩得开心!! ---"

"Changing teams automatically." en:"Changing teams automatically." bp:"Trocando os times automaticamente." cn:"自动换边."

"Server is full and spectators are not allowed." en:"Server is full and spectators are not allowed." bp:"Servidor cheio e espectadores não são permitidos." cn:"服务器人满,不允许观看."

"Auto Team Select is not allowed." en:"Auto Team Select is not allowed." bp:"A Auto Seleção não é permitida." cn:"不允许自动选择队伍."

"You are already on the \3%s\1 team." en:"You are already on the \3%s\1 team." bp:"Você já está no time \3%s\1." cn:"你已经在 \3%s\1 的队伍中."

"The \3%s\1 team is complete." en:"The \3%s\1 team is complete." bp:"O time \3%s\1 está completo." cn:" \3%s\1 队伍已组建完毕."

"Please, join in \3Spectator\1 while vote session is running." en:"Please, join in \3Spectator\1 while vote session is running." bp:"Somente \3Espectador\1 é permitido durante a votação." cn:"正在进行投票,请自觉M6观看."

"Cannot switch when the game is started." en:"Cannot switch when the game is started." bp:"Troca de times não permitida durante a partida." cn:"比赛已经开始,禁止换边."

"\3Spectators\1 are not allowed." en:"\3Spectators\1 are not allowed." bp:"\3Espectadores\1 não são permitidos. cn:"不允许M6旁观."

"* Round %d won by: %s" en:"* Round %d won by: %s" bp:"* Round %d ganho port: %s" cn:"* 第 %d 回合.获胜方: %s"

"Round %d draw: No clear winner." en:"Round %d draw: No clear winner." bp:"Round %d empatado: Nenhum vencedor." cn:"第 %d 回合平局: 握手言和."

"PUG Mod Menu:" en:"PUG Mod Menu:" bp:"Pug Mod Menu" cn:"比赛管理菜单:"

"Kick Player" en:"Kick Player" bp:"Kickar Jogador" cn:"踢出玩家"

"Slap Player" en:"Slap Player" bp:"Matar Jogador" cn:"处罚玩家"

"Change Map" en:"Change Map" bp:"Mudar Mapa" cn:"更换地图"

"Control Pug Mod" en:"Control Pug Mod" bp:"Controlar Pug Mod" cn:"比赛控制"

"Send Message" en:"Send Message" bp:"Enviar Mensagem" cn:"发送消息"

"Send Command" en:"Send Command" bp:"Enviar Comando" cn:"发送命令"

"Kicked by %s" en:"Kicked by %s" bp:"Kickado por %s" cn:"被 %s 踢出服务器"

"\3%s\1 Kicked \3%s\1" en:"\3%s\1 Kicked \3%s\1" bp:"\3%s\1 Kickou \3%s\1" cn:"\3%s\1 被 \3%s\1 踢出服务器"

"\3%s\1 Killed \3%s\1" en:"\3%s\1 Killed \3%s\1" bp:"\3%s\1 Matou \3%s\1" cn:"\3%s\1 被 \3%s\1 杀死"

"\3%s\1 changed map to \4%s\1" en:"\3%s\1 changed map to \4%s\1" bp:"\3%s\1 alterou o mapa para \3%s\1" cn:"\3%s\1 已更换地图为 \4%s\1"

"Run Vote Map" en:"Run Vote Map" bp:"Executar Vote Map" cn:"换图投票"

"Run Vote Teams" en:"Run Vote Teams" bp:"Executar Escolha dos Times" cn:"队伍投票"

"Continue Match" en:"Continue Match" bp:"Continuar Partida" cn:"继续比赛"

"Start Match" en:"Start Match" bp:"Iniciar Partida" cn:"开始比赛"

"Stop Match" en:"Stop Match" bp:"Parar Partida" cn:"停止比赛"

"Restart Period" en:"Restart Period" bp:"Reiniciar Período" cn:"重启时间"

"Toggle Ready System" en:"Toggle Ready System" bp:"Ativar/Inativar Sistema Ready" cn:"切换准备系统"

"\3(%s)\1: %s" en:"\3(%s)\1: %s" bp:"\3(%s)\1: %s" cn:"\3(%s)\1: %s"

"Usage: !msg \3<Text Message>\1" en:"Usage: !msg \3<Text Message>\1" bp:"Uso: !msg \3<Mensagem>\1" cn:"命令用法: !msg \3<消息内容>\1"

"\3Command Send\1: %s" en:"\3Command Send\1: %s" bp:"\3Command Enviado\1: %s" cn:"\3发送命令\1: %s"

"Usage: !send \3<Server Command>\1" en:"Usage: !send \3<Server Command>\1" bp:"Uso: !send \3<Comando do Servidor>\1 cn:"命令用法: !send \3<服务器命令>\1"

"\3%s\1 change team sides manually." en:"\3%s\1 change team sides manually." bp:"\3%s\1 trocou os lados dos times manualmente." cn:"\3%s\1 进行手动换边."

"Can only swap teams during \4%s\1 period." en:"Can only swap teams during \4%s\1 period." bp:"A troca de times manual só funciona no período \4%s\1 period." cn:"只能在 \4%s\1 期间交换队伍."

"Wait %d seconds before retry." en:"Wait %d seconds before retry." bp:"Aguarde %d segundos antes de entrar novamente." cn:"等 %d 秒后重试."

"The choice of the teams failed: \3Not enough players.\1" en:"The choice of the teams failed: \3Not enough players.\1" bp:"A escolha dos times falhou: \3Jogadores insuficientes.\1" cn:"选队失败: \3玩家人数不足.\1"

"\3%s\1 is captain of \3%s\1" en:"\3%s\1 is captain of \3%s\1" bp:"\3%s\1 e o capitão de \3%s\1" cn:"\3%s\1 当选为 \3%s\1 队长"

"\3%s\1 choosed \3%s\1" en:"\3%s\1 choosed \3%s\1" bp:"\3%s\1 escolheu \3%s\1" cn:"\3%s\1 已选择 \3%s\1"

"(C) *" en:"(C) *" bp:"(C) *" cn:"(C) *"

"(C)" en:"(C)" bp:"(C)" cn:"(C)"

"Knife Round Starting: \4Get Ready!!" en:"Knife Round Starting: \4Get Ready!!" bp:"Iniciando Round Faca: \4Esteja Pronto!!" cn:"开始拼刀轮次: \4做好准备!!"

"Changing teams automatically." en:"Changing teams automatically." bp:"Trocando os times automaticamente." cn:"自动换队."

"Teams will remain unchanged." en:"Teams will remain unchanged." bp:"Os times serão os mesmos." cn:"队伍保持不变."

"Select Starting Side:" en:"Select Starting Side:" bp:"Escolha o lado do seu time:" cn:"选边:"

"Terrorists" en:"Terrorists" bp:"Terrorists" cn:"匪徒"

"Counter-Terrorists" en:"Counter-Terrorists" bp:"Counter-Terrorists" cn:"警察"

"\3%s\1 Won: The \3%s\1 team will decide the starting side." en:"\3%s\1 Won: The \3%s\1 team will decide the starting side." bp:"\3%s\1 Venceram: O time \3%s\1 vai decidir o lado." cn:"\3%s\1 获胜: \3%s\1 进行选边."

"Knife Round Failed: \3No clear winner by extermination." en:"Knife Round Failed: \3No clear winner by extermination." bp:"O Round Faca Falhou: \3Nenhum vencedor por eliminação." cn:"拼刀轮次失败: \3淘汰赛无获胜方."

"Starting Side (%d):" en:"Starting Side (%d):" bp:"Time Inicial (%d):" cn:"开始选边 (%d):"

"No votes..." en:"No votes..." bp:"Nenhum Voto..." cn:"没有投票..."

"Say \4.ready\1 to continue." en:"Say \4.ready\1 to continue." bp:"Say \4.ready\1 para continuar." cn:"Say \4.ready\1 继续比赛."

"Match will start when all players join in game." en:"Match will start when all players join in game." bp:"A partida vai começar quando todos estiverem no jogo." cn:"所有玩家进入游戏,比赛开始."

"\3%s\1 enabled Ready System." en:"\3%s\1 enabled Ready System." bp:"\3%s\1 ativou o Ready System." cn:"\3%s\1 启动准备系统."

"\3%s\1 disabled Ready System." en:"\3%s\1 disabled Ready System." bp:"\3%s\1 desativou o Ready System." cn:"\3%s\1 关闭准备系统."

"Can't change Ready System while Pug Mod is running." en:"Can't change Ready System while Pug Mod is running." bp:"Impossível alterar o Ready System durante a partida." cn:"比赛开始后无法更改准备系统."

"All playres are ready!" en:"All playres are ready!" bp:"Todos os jogadores estão prontos!" cn:"所有玩家都已做好比赛准备!"

"Not Ready (%d of %d):" en:"Not Ready (%d of %d):" bp:"Aquecendo (%d de %d):" cn:"未准备 (%d of %d):"

"Ready (%d of %d):" en:"Ready (%d of %d):" bp:"Prontos (%d de %d):" cn:"已准备 (%d of %d):"

"Player(s) Left" en:"Player(s) Left" bp:"Jogadores(s) Para Entrar" cn:"玩家退出游戏"

"Starting Match" en:"Starting Match" bp:"Iniciando Partida" cn:"开始比赛"

"All players are in teams and ready!" en:"All players are in teams and ready!" bp:"Todos os jogadores estão nos times e prontos!" cn:"所有玩家都已做好准备"

"\3%s\1 is ready." en:"\3%s\1 is ready." bp:"\3%s\1 está pronto." cn:"\3%s\1 已经做好准备"

"\3%s\1 is not ready." en:"\3%s\1 is not ready." bp:"\3%s\1 não está pronto.." cn:"\3%s\1 尚未做好准备."

"(%d dmg / %d hits) to (%d dmg / %d hits) from %s (%d HP)" en:"(%d dmg / %d hits) to (%d dmg / %d hits) from %s (%d HP)" bp:"(%d dmg / %d hits) em (%d dmg / %d hits) de %s (%d HP)" cn:"(%d 伤害 / %d 命中) 到 (%d 伤害 / %d 命中) 来自 \3%s\1 (%d HP)"

"\3%s\1 with %d HP (%d AP)" en:"\3%s\1 with %d HP (%d AP)" bp:"\3%s\1 tem %d HP (%d AP)" cn:"\3%s\1 有 %d HP (%d AP)"

"No one is alive." en:"No one is alive." bp:"Ninguém está vivo." cn:"无人生还."

"Hit \3%s\1 %d time(s) (Damage %d)" en:"Hit \3%s\1 %d time(s) (Damage %d)" bp:"Acertou \3%s\1 %d veze(s) (Dano %d)"" cn:"命中 \3%s\1 %d 次 (伤害 %d)"

"You do not hit anyone in this round." en:"You do not hit anyone in this round." bp:"Você não acertou ninguém nesse round." cn:"本轮你没有击中任何人."

"Hit by \3%s\1 %d time(s) (Damage %d)" en:"Hit by \3%s\1 %d time(s) (Damage %d)" bp:"Dano por \3%s\1 %d veze(s) (Dano %d)" cn:"被击中 \3%s\1 %d 次 (伤害 %d)"

"You were not reached in this round." en:"You were not reached in this round." bp:"Você não foi atingidi nesse round." cn:"本轮没有任何人击中你."

"(%d dmg / %d hits) to (%d dmg / %d hits) from \3%s\1 (%d HP)" en:"(%d dmg / %d hits) to (%d dmg / %d hits) from \3%s\1 (%d HP)" bp:"(%d dmg / %d hits) em (%d dmg / %d hits) de \3%s\1 (%d HP)" cn:"(%d 伤害 / %d 命中) 到 (%d 伤害 / %d 命中) 来自 \3%s\1 (%d HP)"

"No stats in this round." en:"No stats in this round." bp:"Nenhum stats nesse round." cn:"本轮没有统计数据."

"Vote Map:" en:"Vote Map:" bp:"Escolha do mapa:" cn:"换图投票:"

"Starting Vote Map." en:"Starting Vote Map." bp:"Inciando escolha do mapa." cn:"开始投票换图."

"The map choice has failed: \3No votes." en:"The map choice has failed: \3No votes." bp:"A escolha do mapa falhou: \3Nenhum voto." cn:"换图失败: \3没有投票."

"Changing map to \4%s\1..." en:"Changing map to \4%s\1..." bp:"O próxmio mapa será \4%s\1..." cn:"地图更换为 \4%s\1..."

"Choose the map (%.0f):" en:"Choose the map (%.0f):" bp:"Escolha do mapa (%.0f):" cn:"选择地图 (%.0f):"

"Choose the map:" en:"Choose the map:" bp:"Escolha do mapa:" cn:"选择地图:"

"Leaders Sorted" en:"Leaders Sorted" bp:"Capitães" cn:"队长排序"

"Random" en:"Random" bp:"Misturar Times" cn:"随机"

"Not Sorted" en:"Not Sorted" bp:"Sem Sorteio" cn:"没有排序"

"Skill Sorted" en:"Skill Sorted" bp:"Balancear Skill" cn:"技能排序"

"Swap Teams" en:"Swap Teams" bp:"Trocar Times" cn:"交换队伍"

"Knife Round" en:"Knife Round" bp:"Round Faca" cn:"拼刀轮次"

"Game Mode:" en:"Game Mode:" bp:"Modo de Jogo:" cn:"游戏模式:"

"Select teams started." en:"Select teams started." bp:"Escolha dos times iniciada." cn:"开始选择队伍."

"The choice of the teams failed: \3No votes." en:"The choice of the teams failed: \3No votes." bp:"A escolha dos times falhou: \3Nenhum voto." cn:"队伍选择失败: \3没有投票."

"Game Mode (%d):" en:"Game Mode (%d):" bp:"Modo de Jogo (%d):" cn:"游戏模式 (%d):"

"Mixing teams now." en:"Mixing teams now." bp:"Misturando times automaticamente." cn:"现在开始混合编队."

"The teams will remain the same." en:"The teams will remain the same." bp:"Os times serão os mesmos." cn:"队伍保持不变."

"Balancing teams by skills." en:"Balancing teams by skills." bp:"Balanceando times por sua skill." cn:"根据玩家技能平衡队伍."

"Swaping teams now." en:"Swaping teams now." bp:"Trocando os times de lado." cn:"开始交换队伍."

"Vote Menu:" en:"Vote Menu:" bp:"Menu de Votação:" cn:"投票菜单:"

"Vote Kick" en:"Vote Kick" bp:"Votar Kick" cn:"投票踢人"

"Vote Map" en:"Vote Map" bp:"Votar Mapa" cn:"投票换图"

"Vote Pause" en:"Vote Pause" bp:"Votar Pausa" cn:"投票暂停"

"Vote Stop" en:"Vote Stop" bp:"Votar Redenção" cn:"投票停止"

"Need \3%d\1 players to use vote kick." en:"Need \3%d\1 players to use vote kick." bp:"Faltam \3%d\1 jogadores para usar o Vote Kick." cn:"至少需要 \3%d\1 名玩家才能使用投票踢人功能."

"Kicked by Vote Kick." en:"Kicked by Vote Kick." bp:"Kickado pelo Vote Kick." cn:"被投票踢出."

"\3%s\1 Kicked: \4%d\1 votes reached." en:"\3%s\1 Kicked: \4%d\1 votes reached." bp:"\3%s\1 Kickado: \4%d\1 votos alcançados." cn:"\3%s\1 已被踢出: 共获得 \4%d\1 票赞成票."

"\3%s\1 voted to kick \3%s\1: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 votes to kick." en:"\3%s\1 voted to kick \3%s\1: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 votes to kick." bp:"\3%s\1 votou para kickar \3%s\1: Faltam mais \4%d\1 votos para kickar." cn:"\3%s\1 同意踢出 \3%s\1: 赞成票:\4%d\1||总票数:\4%d\1."

"Say \\1 to open vote kick." en:"Say \\1 to open vote kick." bp:"Say \\1 para abrir o vote kick." cn:"Say \\1 发起踢人投票."

"Already voted to kick: \3%s\1..." en:"Already voted to kick: \3%s\1..." bp:"Você ja votou para kickar: \3%s\1..." cn:"已经投票决定踢出: \3%s\1..."

"\3%s\1 nomitated \4%s\1: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 votes to change map." en:"\3%s\1 nomitated \4%s\1: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 votes to change map." bp:"\3%s\1 nomeou \4%s\1: \4%d\1 de \4%d\1 votos para mudar o mapa." cn:"\3%s\1 提名地图 \4%s\1: 赞成票:\4%d\1||总票数:\4%d\1."

"Say \\1 to nominate a map." en:"Say \\1 to nominate a map." bp:"Say \\1 para nomear um mapa." cn:"Say \\1 发起换图投票."

"Already nominated \3%s\1..." en:"Already nominated \3%s\1..." bp:"Você já nomeou \3%s\1..." cn:"已经获得提名 \3%s\1..."

"\3%s\1 from voted for a timeout: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 vote(s) to run timeout." en:"\3%s\1 from voted for a timeout: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 vote(s) to run timeout." bp:"\3%s\1 votou para pausar a partida: \4%d\1 de \4%d\1 voto(s) para pausar a partida." cn:"\3%s\1 投票加时: 赞成票:\4%d\1||总票数 \4%d\1."

"Say \\1 for a timeout." en:"Say \\1 for a timeout." bp:"Say \\1 para votar uma pausa na partida." cn:"Say \\1 发起加时投票."

"The \3%s\1 team paused the game." en:"The \3%s\1 team paused the game." bp:"O time \3%s\1 pausou a partida." cn:"\3%s\1 暂停了比赛."

"Match will pause for \4%d\1 seconds on next round." en:"Match will pause for \4%d\1 seconds on next round." bp:"A partida será pausada por \4%d\1 segundos no próximo round." cn:"下一回合比赛将暂停 \4%d\1 秒."

"The \3%s\1 team extended the paused of game." en:"The \3%s\1 team extended the paused of game." bp:"Os \3%s\1 etenderam a pausa da partida." cn:"\3%s\1 延长了暂停时间."

"You already voted for a timeout." en:"You already voted for a timeout." bp:"Você já votou para pausar a partida." cn:"您已经投票同意加时."

"The \3%s\1 can't pause game: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 times allowed in \4%s\1." en:"The \3%s\1 can't pause game: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 times allowed in \4%s\1." bp:"Os \3%s\1 não podem mais pausar: \4%d\1 de \4%d\1 pausas no período \4%s\1." cn:"\3%s\1 不能暂停比赛: 在 \4%s\1 期间,已使用次数:\4%d\1||次数上限:\4%d\1."

"Unable to pause the match while is in freezetime period." en:"Unable to pause the match while is in freezetime period." bp:"Impossível pausar enquanto estiver no período freezetime." cn:"冻结期时无法暂停比赛."

"The \3%s\1 team already paused the game." en:"The \3%s\1 team already paused the game." bp:"O time \3%s\1 já pausaram a partida." cn:"\3%s\1 已经暂停了比赛."

"Unable to vote to pause the match." en:"Unable to vote to pause the match." bp:"Impossível votar a pausa da partida." cn:"无法投票暂停比赛."

"%s\nPaused Match (%d of %d) \n%s" en:"%s\nPaused Match (%d of %d) \n%s" bp:"%s\nPausou a partida (%d de %d) \n%s" cn:"%s\n已暂停比赛 (%d : %d) \n%s."

"\3%s\1 voted for surrender: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 vote(s) to stop the match." en:"\3%s\1 voted for surrender: \4%d\1 of \4%d\1 vote(s) to stop the match." bp:"\3%s\1 votou para rendição: \4%d\1 de \4%d\1 voto(s) para rendição do time." cn:"\3%s\1 投票赞成投降,终止比赛: 赞成票:\4%d\1 ||总票数:\4%d\1."

"Say \\1 to vote for stop the match." en:"Say \\1 to vote for stop the match." bp:"Say \\1 para votar uma rendição." cn:"Say \\1 发起终止比赛投票."

"Game Over! The \3%s\1 Surrendered!" en:"Game Over! The \3%s\1 Surrendered!" bp:"Fim de Jogo! Os \3%s\1 se renderam!" cn:"游戏结束! \3%s\1 宣布投降!."

"You already voted to stop the match." en:"You already voted to stop the match." bp:"Você já votou para rendição." cn:"你已经投票赞成终止比赛."

"Ban Player" en:"Ban Player" bp:"Banir Jogador" cn:"封禁玩家."

"Choose a time to ban \w%s\y" en:"Choose a time to ban \w%s\y" bp:"Escolha um tempo para banir \w%s\y" cn:"选择封禁时长 \w%s\y."

"\3%s\1 Banned \3%s\1: \4%s\1." en:"\3%s\1 Banned \3%s\1: \4%s\1." bp:"\3%s\1 Baniu \3%s\1: \4%s\1." cn:"\3%s\1 被 \3%s\1 封禁: \4%s\1."

"Team Player" en:"Team Player" bp:"Time do Jogador" cn:"战队成员"

"Set \w%s\y Team" en:"Set \w%s\y Team" bp:"Escolha o time de \w%s\y" cn:"建立 \w%s\y 战队"

"Terrorist" en:"Terrorist" bp:"Terrorista" cn:"匪徒"

"Counter-Terrorist" en:"Counter-Terrorist" bp:"Contra-Terrorista" cn:"警察"

"Spectator" en:"Spectator" bp:"Espectador" cn:"旁观"

"\4%s\1 moved \3%s\1 to \3%s\1" en:"\4%s\1 moved \3%s\1 to \3%s\1" bp:"\4%s\1 moveu \3%s\1 para \3%s\1" cn:"\4%s\1 将 \3%s\1 传送到 \3%s\1"

"Permanently" en:"Permanently" bp:"Permanentemente" cn:"永久"

"and" en:"and" bp:"e" cn:"和"

"year" en:"year" bp:"ano" cn:"年"

"years" en:"years" bp:"anos" cn:"年"

"month" en:"month" bp:"mês" cn:"月"

"months" en:"months" bp:"meses" cn:"月"

"week" en:"week" bp:"semana" cn:"星期"

"weeks" en:"weeks" bp:"semanas" cn:"星期"

"day" en:"day" bp:"dia" cn:"日"

"days" en:"days" bp:"dias" cn:"日"

"hour" en:"hour" bp:"hora" cn:"时"

"hours" en:"hours" bp:"horas" cn:"时"

"minute" en:"minute" bp:"minuto" cn:"分"

"minutes" en:"minutes" bp:"minutos" cn:"分"

"second" en:"second" bp:"segundo" cn:"秒"

"seconds" en:"seconds" bp:"segundos" cn:"秒"

"vote" en:"vote" bp:"voto" cn:"投票"

"votes" en:"votes" bp:"votos" cn:"投票"

"Play overtime" en:"Play overtime" bp:"Jogar overtime" cn:"加时赛"

"Play sudden death round" en:"Play sudden death round" bp:"Jogar round morte súbita" cn:"突然死亡赛"

"End match with tied scores" en:"End match with tied scores" bp:"Finalizar partida com placar empatado" cn:"以平局结束比赛"

"Match is tied, what you want to do?" en:"Match is tied, what you want to do?" bp:"O Placar está empatado, o que você deseja fazer?" cn:"比赛打成平手,下一步怎么做?"

"Overtime vote started." en:"Overtime vote started." bp:"Escolha do Overtime iniciada." cn:"加时赛投票开始."

"Match will continue in: \3Sudden Death Round." en:"Match will continue in: \3Sudden Death Round." bp:"A partida vai continuar em: \3Round morte súbita." cn:"比赛继续进行: \3突然死亡回合."

"The choice of overtime failed: \3No votes." en:"The choice of overtime failed: \3No votes." bp:"A escolha do overtime falhou: \3Nenhum voto." cn:"加时赛选择失败: \3没有投票."

"Play Overtime (%d):" en:"Play Overtime (%d):" bp:"Jogar Overtime (%d):" cn:"加时赛 (%d):"

"Plase, register to play in this server." en:"Plase, register to play in this server." bp:"Registre-se para jogar nesse servidor." cn:"请在本服务器上进行注册."

"Failed to get player data, contact support team." en:"Failed to get player data, contact support team." bp:"Falha ao obter dados do jogador, contate o suporte." cn:"获取玩家数据失败,请联系支持团队."

tarimren-admin avatar Apr 20 '23 08:04 tarimren-admin