Smart Tool Factory
Smart Tool Factory
🚀🏞🔍 Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds, fling and moving back to valid bounds and callbacks that return current transformation or visible image section
Flexible chat row written with Jetpack Compose that positions message and message status based on number of message lines, message width and parent width. And resizable Subcomposelayout that remasures...
🚀⭐️👍 Rating bar to set fixed value or change rating using gestures with png or vector drawables and shimmer effect option
Boilerplate to create empty project with Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature modules, MVVM, RxJava, Coroutines with modularization
Series of Tutorials for Unit Testing in Java and Kotlin using JUnit4, JUnit5, Mockito, MockK and Test Driven Development
🚀💬🫧 Speech/Chat bubble written with Jetpack Compose and canvas with various properties such as arrow width, height, background color, shadow to create similar bubbles whatsapp, telegram or others h...