NavigationComponents-Tutorials copied to clipboard
Tutorials about Navigation Components to learn using nav graphs, adding top menus, passing arguments via safe args, combining with different Material Design widgets such as BottomNavigationView, Toolb...
Navigation Components Tutorials
Tutorials for learning Navigation Components starting with simple set up, continues with adding top menus, passing arguments via navigation graphs and combining them with different Material Design widgets such as BottomNavigationView
, Toolbar
, ViewPager2
, TabLayout
and dynamic feature module navigation with DynamicNavHostFragment
Add, navigation graph and navigate to fragments with actions and animations
Nested navigation graphs, NavHostFragment and navigation
Nested navigation with a NavHostFragment and back press handled with OnBackPressedCallback
Set navigation with toolbar, NavigationView and use top menu buttons to navigate
BottomNavigationView with simple navigation
BottomNavigation with extension to create individual NavHostFragments and listen back stack changes
Examine memory leaks when extension function setupWithNavController for BottomNavigationView is inside a fragment
ViewPager2 inside a fragment with single navigation graph, navigates from the fragment ViewPager2 is in to next one
Same tutorial as the previous one but data binding used this time to examine and solve memory leaks due to data binding
ViewPager2 navigation with each page has it's own back stack or fragment that wraps/contains NavHostFragment
ViewPager2 navigation with each page has it's own back stack or fragment that wraps/contains NavHostFragment
ViewPager2 inside an Activity, and topbar title and current NavController is set using a liveData(This does not work after rotation)
ViewPager2 and fragments with their own Toolbar, FragmentTransactionCallback is used for navigating ViewPager2 pages back stack properly
ViewPager2 navigation when both it's child fragments and parent fragment have Toolbar of their own, and navigation from differnt layers
ViewPager2 and TabLayout complex navigation with changing navigation in fragments different layers of navigation
BottomNavigationView using ViewPager2 to have tabs with their own back stack.
BottomNavigationView navigation through it's tabs, and navigating ViewPager2 is inside a tab of BottomNavigationView.
Using REST api, complex navigation with layers(Total 3 layers of navigation) when ViewPager2 is inside a tab of BottomNavigationView
Implementation of Dynamic Feature Module navigation, passing data and using SavedStateHandle to get data on back press
Using REST api, complex navigation with layers with ViewPager2 in BottomNavigationView and Dynamic Feature Modules.
Tutorial Coverage
Covers basic BottomNavigationView and ViewPager usage without any navigatiom components. This is a little bit like warm up before moving to more complex ones including navigation with ViewPager2
Covers how to use create navigation graph nav_graph.xml
inside navigation folder, and NavHostFragment
in activity_main.xml
layout file.
One important note to add is navigation uses FragmentTransaction.replace() to navigate next fragment inside specified NavHostFragment
app:navGraph="@navigation/nav_graph" />
There are multiple ways to navigate from one fragment to another using a NavController
, for instance
buttonCenter?.setOnClickListener {
val options = navOptions {
anim {
enter = R.anim.slide_in_right
exit = R.anim.slide_out_left
popEnter = R.anim.slide_in_left
popExit = R.anim.slide_out_right
findNavController().navigate(, null, options)
Check out this tutorial if you wish to get familiar with basic consepts, animation and navigating with popUpTo
and popUpToInclusive
Uses seperate and nested fragments with each it's own navigation graph.
is the main graph for navigation has navigation to CameraFragment or other graphs such as nav_graph_dashboard
or nav_graph_home
Nested graphs are part of the same navHostFragment?.childFragmentManager
Covers how nested graphs with their own back stack or NavHostFragment
work. You can check out both main and home childFragmentManager back stack entry and fragment count by examining Toast or log messages.
Main graph back stack is controlled by NavHostFragment.getChildFragmentManager
When a nested navigation graph or NavHostFragment
is added it's back stack is retrieved
using a childFragmentManager.
When a fragment is from a nested navigation graph is on screen when you navigate back or forth it's current position changes only for the current NavHostFragment, main back stack does not change.
val callback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(false) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
// Get NavHostFragment
val navHostFragment =
// ChildFragmentManager of the current NavHostFragment
val navHostChildFragmentManager = navHostFragment?.childFragmentManager
// Check if it's the root of nested fragments in this navhosts
if (navController?.currentDestination?.id == navController?.graph?.startDestination) {
Disable this callback because calls OnBackPressedDispatcher
gets invoked calls this callback gets stuck in a loop
isEnabled = false
isEnabled = true
} else if (isVisible) {
Back navigation does NOT work for the first fragment in back stack of HomeNavHostFragment
for this example, because
if (navController!!.currentDestination == null || navController!!.currentDestination!!.id == navController!!.graph.startDestination) {
and start destination is HomeNavHostFragment
itself , but last fragment, currentDestination on graph is HomeFragment1
when back button is pressed while HomeFragment2
is on screen.
Change app:startDestination="@id/home_dest"
to app:startDestination="@id/homeFragment1"
to solve back press issue for HomeNavHostFragment
, it's just set to demonstrate how start destination change back press.
<navigation xmlns:android=""
tools:layout="@layout/fragment_navhost_home" />
Navigation Architecture
MainActivity (Appbar + Toolbar)
|- MainNavHost
| FragmentViewPagerContainer(ViewPager2 + TabLayout)
|- HomeFragment1 -> HomeFragment2 -> HomeFragment3
|- DashboardFragment1 -> DashboardFragment2 -> DashboardFragment3
Covers how to create a ViewPager2
with navigation in main back stack, in this example ViewPager2
pages do not have their own back stacks. It's covered in tutorial Tutorial6-2.
Same as previous tutorial except only with one difference, data binding
is used for binding.
Data binding that is not null(or non-nullable) after Fragment.onDestroyView
when ViewPager2
is inside a fragment causing leak canary to show data binding related MEMORY LEAK for this fragment when used in ViewPager2
. Also you need to set adapter of ViewPager2 either to prevent memory leaks, and another one is due to TabLayouts which is covered in later sections. Check out this stackoverflow question for more details.
Navigation Architecture
MainActivity (Appbar + Toolbar)
|- MainNavHost
|- ViewPagerContainerFragment(ViewPager2 + TabLayout)
| |- HomeNavHostFragment
| | |- HF1 -> HF2 -> HF3
| |
| |- DashboardNavHostFragment
| | |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
| |
| |- NotificationHostFragment
| | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| |
| |-LoginFragment1
|- LoginFragment1 -> LoginFragment2
Covers ViewPager2
and it's pages each with it's own back stack or navigation graphs.
NavHostFragment use NavController to navigate back/forth in any page.
This tutorial has very important aspects for ViewPager2
for each page and can navigate inside them, each page has it's own nav each layout file
inside is retrieved usingval nestedNavHostFragment = childFragmentManager.findFragmentById(nestedNavHostFragmentId) as? NavHostFragment navController = nestedNavHostFragment?.navController`
uses the first fragment that is displayed on screen **HomeFragment1 whileDashboardNavHostFragment
uses graph with itself as start destination so it should check for theNavController.getCurrentDestination()
to navigate to it when device rotatedLoginFragment1
is added to main graph, because of that appbar back navigation only works with theViewPagerContainerFragment
How to use back navigation with
, there is an alternative and more simple way to handle back navigation forViewPager2
but this also a way to keep in mind if more customization is required. If you do not handle back navigation Activity's back press gets called and application starts from onCreate. -
Checking out memory leaks with data binding, ViewPager2 adapter and lifecylce.
You should set data binding to null or you will get memory leaks for this ViewPager2 which is itself also inside a fragment
You should set ViePager2's adapter to null in
🔥 You should use
ChildFragmentStateAdapter(fragmentManager: FragmentManager, lifecycle: Lifecycle)
, not the one that takesFragment
as parameter. And use view's lifecycle instead of setting Fragment's lifecycle.
viewPager.adapter = ChildFragmentStateAdapter(childFragmentManager, viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle)
Refer to this stackoverflow question for more details.
Navigation Architecture
MainActivity(Appbar + Toolbar + TabLayout + ViewPager2)
|- HomeNavHostFragment
| |- HF1 -> HF2 -> HF3
|- DashboardNavHostFragment
| |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
|- NotificationHostFragment
|- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
In this tutorial MainActivity has it's appbar that navigation is controlled using the NavController
retrieved from NavHostFragment
via LiveData
There is an issue with rotation, when device rotated ActivityFragmentStateAdapter.createFragment
method is not called and it's not possible to access NavController
of newly created fragments. If you do not wish to have a rotatable app
you can use live data or ViewModel to get current NavController
to change appbar title and get other
properties of NavController
. LiveData is observed in MainActivity
to set appbar title
Navigation Architecture
|- MainNavHost
|- ViewPagerContainerFragment(ViewPager)
|- HomeNavHostFragment(Appbar + Toolbar)
| |- HF1 -> HF2 -> HF3
|- DashboardNavHostFragment(Appbar Toolbar)
| |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
|- NotificationHostFragment(Appbar Toolbar)
|- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
In this tutorial each NavHostFragment
has it's own toolbar
They can navigate back with back arrow when navigated to an inner/nested fragment in pages of ViewPager
Using FragmentStateAdapter.registerFragmentTransactionCallback
with FragmentStateAdapter
solves back navigation instead of using OnBackPressedCallback.handleOnBackPressed
in every NavHostFragment
as answered here
init {
// Add a FragmentTransactionCallback to handle changing
// the primary navigation fragment
registerFragmentTransactionCallback(object : FragmentTransactionCallback() {
override fun onFragmentMaxLifecyclePreUpdated(
fragment: Fragment,
maxLifecycleState: Lifecycle.State
) = if (maxLifecycleState == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED) {
// This fragment is becoming the active Fragment - set it to
// the primary navigation fragment in the OnPostEventListener
OnPostEventListener {
fragment.parentFragmentManager.commitNow {
} else {
super.onFragmentMaxLifecyclePreUpdated(fragment, maxLifecycleState)
If defaultNavHost is not set to true true for any NavHostFragments
by setting app:defaultNavHost="true"
in xml or programmatically
snippet above will not work.
Navigation Architecture
|- MainNavHost
|- ParenNavHost((Appbar + Toolbar)
|- ViewPagerContainerFragment(ViewPager2)
| |
| |- HomeNavHostFragment(Appbar + Toolbar)
| | |- HF1 -> HF2 -> HF3
| |
| |- DashboardNavHostFragment(Appbar + Toolbar)
| | |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
| |
| |- NotificationHostFragment(Appbar + Toolbar)
| | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| |
| |-LoginFragment1
|- LoginFragment1 -> LoginFragment2
In this tutorial each NavHostFragment
has it's own toolbar, also ParentNavHostFragment
has it's own toolbar either.
LoginFragment2 in this example is added to back stack of ParentNavHostFragment because of that it does not have any association with toolbar in ViewPagerContainerFragment
ParentNavHostFragment's role is to have it's own Appbar to contain login fragments and navigate through them using Appbar. Without ParentNavHostFragment
we navigate to LoginFragment2
that has no Appbar.
Visibility of ParentNavHostFragment
is changed via liveData of AppbarViewModel
However, there is an issue whenever Toolbar that is not belong to fragments appear or disappear.
Navigation Architecture
|- MainNavHostFragment
|- ParenNavHostFragment(Appbar + Toolbar) Here because we wish to have toolbar inside Fragment
|- ViewPagerContainerFragment(TabLayout + ViewPager2)
| |
| |- HomeNavHostFragment
| | |- HF1 -> HF2 -> HF3
| |
| |- DashboardNavHostFragment
| | |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
| |
| |- NotificationHostFragment
| | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| |
| |-LoginFragment1
|- LoginFragment1 -> LoginFragment2
In this tutorial, only ParentNavHostFragment
has Appbar and Toolbar. Navigation of individual
NavHostFragments is done via LiveData belong to AppbarViewModel.currentNavController
returns NavController
of current NavHostFragment
on screen due. Current NavController
is set onResume
to make sure to
set it only when the current fragment is visible, it's instead of checking if fragment is on screen and visible.
's role is to have it's own Appbar to contain login fragments and navigate through them using Appbar. Without ParentNavHostFragment we navigate to LoginFragment2
that has no Appbar if it's inside ViewPagerContainerFragment
It can be done by putting Appbar to MainActivity
but purpose here is to put
Appbar + Toolbar inside a fragment to be able to use with BottomNavigationView
for instance
Navigation Architecture
MainActivity(BottomNavigationView + ViewPager2 + Appbar + Toolbar)
|- HomeNavHostFragment
| |- HF1 -> HF2 -> HF3
|- DashboardNavHostFragment
| |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
|- NotificationHostFragment
| |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
In this example BottomNavigationView
selects which page of ViewPager2
should be opened using
Appbar title is changed using LiveData AppbarViewModel.currentNavController
of visible NavHostFragment
on screen of ViePager2 page
Change current nav controller to set appbar title
appbarViewModel.currentNavController.observe(this, Observer { it ->
it?.let { event: Event<NavController> ->
event.getContentIfNotHandled()?.let { navController ->
val appBarConfig = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph)
dataBinding.toolbar.setupWithNavController(navController, appBarConfig)
Navigation Architecture
MainActivity(BottomNavigationView + ViewPager2 + Appbar + Toolbar)
|- ViewPagerContainerFragment(TabLayout + ViewPager2)
| |
| |- HomeNavHostFragment
| | |- HF1 -> HF2 -> HF3
| |
| |- DashboardNavHostFragment
| | |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
| |
| |- NotificationHostFragment
| | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| |
| |-LoginFragment1
|- DashboardNavHostFragment
| |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
|- NotificationHostFragment
| |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
This example is combination of Tutorial6-6 and Tutorial 7-1
First tab of the BottomNavigationView
is ViewPagerContainerFragment
which has a ViewPager2
that has it's own pages with each it's own back stack setting NavController
is done both using AppbarViewModel
and BottomNavigationView.setupWithNavController
in the NavigationExtensions code for setting BottomNavigationView back stack.
Navigation Architecture
|- MainNavHostFragment
|- ContainerNavHostFragment(BottomNavigationView Appbar + Toolbar)
| |
| |- ViewPagerContainerFragment(ViewPager2 + TabLayout)
| | |
| | |- PostVerticalNavHost
| | | |- PostVerticalFragment -> PostDetailFragment
| | |
| | |- PostHorizontalNavHost
| | | |- PostHorizontalFragment -> PostDetailFragment
| | |
| | |- PostGridNavHostFragment
| | | |- PostGridFragment
| | |
| | |- PostStaggerNavHostFragment
| | | |- PostStaggeredFragment
| | |
| | |- NotificationHostFragment
| | | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| | |
| | |- LoginFragment1
| |
| |
| |- DashboardNavHostFragment
| | |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
| |
| |- NotificationHostFragment
| | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| |
| |- &PostGridFragment -> PostDetailFragment
| |
| |- &LoginFragment1 -> LoginFragment2
|- &PostStaggeredFragment -> PostDetailFragment
In this tutorial BottomNavigationView
is inside MainFragment
. MainActivity
can navigate to a different fragment other than the MainFragment
using nav_graph main destinations.
Navigation is layered, fragments annotated with & display that hey navigate at that level, not actually added to that hierarchy.
For instance, PostStaggeredFragment
which is in ViewPager2
calls snippet below to get main NavController
to navigate in main navigation graph
requireActivity().findNavController(, bundle)
which is in ViewPager2
gets PNavController
P that belong to ViewPagerContainerFragment
via parentFragment?.parentFragment?.findNavController()
and navigates from ViewPagerContainerFragment
to PostDetailFragment
🔥🔥🔥 Important
If you navigate from PostStaggeredFragment
to PostDetailFragment
fragment you will see that memory leak occurs. It happens due to BottomNavigationView.setupWithNavControllerfunction in
NavigationExtensions.ktclass leaking because of listeners not being unregistered in extension functions in
onDestroyView``` of fragment.
Check out Tutorial8-2 for solution for this issue
This tutorial to navigate to dynamic feature module from App, navigate from dynamic feature module gallery to favorites.
Steps to create dynamic navigation from app to dynamic feature modules, or from one dynamic feature module to another
- Replace
for the layouts
- Add dynamic navigation with
or as fragmentt to any navigation graph- You don't have to use an id, but if you do, same id defined here must be used in dynamic feature module, or will get an error.
- Add package name of dynamic feature module
- Add nav graph name in navigation folder of dynamic feature module
- Add module name which is also in app's build.gradle file
- Optionally add arguments to pass to dynamic feature module fragments
<!-- gallery dynamic feature module-->
app:argType="integer" />
- In dynamic feature module navigation creata navigation graph to navigate in feature module fragmnent or navigate to other dynamic feature modueles, and passing arguments and getting the result from a fragment with
.- id in dynamic feature module should not contain +, because you are using the same id resource defined in app or the snippet above. If you do you will have the error i got here
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<navigation xmlns:android=""
app:destination="@id/galleryFragment2" />
app:destination="@id/nav_graph_favorites" />
<!-- favorite dynamic feature module-->
app:moduleName="favorites" >
android:defaultValue="0" />
listen savedStateHandle
with findNavController().currentBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle.getLiveData<Int>
and GalleryFragment sets result with findNavController().previousBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.set("count", count)
Navigation Architecture
|- MainNavHostFragment
|- ContainerNavHostFragment(BottomNavigationView Appbar + Toolbar)
| |
| |- ViewPagerContainerFragment(ViewPager2 + TabLayout)
| | |
| | |- PostVerticalNavHost
| | | |- PostVerticalFragment -> PostDetailFragment
| | |
| | |- PostHorizontalNavHost
| | | |- PostHorizontalFragment -> PostDetailFragment
| | |
| | |- PostGridNavHostFragment
| | | |- PostGridFragment
| | |
| | |- PostStaggerNavHostFragment
| | | |- PostStaggeredFragment
| | |
| | |- NotificationHostFragment
| | | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| | |
| | |- LoginFragment1
| |
| |
| |- DashboardNavHostFragment
| | |- DF1 -> DF2 -> DF3
| |
| |- NotificationHostFragment
| | |- NF1 -> NF2 -> NF3
| |
| |- &PostGridFragment -> PostDetailFragment
| |
| |- &LoginFragment1 -> LoginFragment2
| |
| |- NF1 | 2F2 -> Camera Dynamic Feature
|- DF1 | 2F2 -> Photo Dynamic Feature
|- NF1 | 2F2 -> Camera Dynamic Feature
|- &PostStaggeredFragment -> PostDetailFragment
// Photos Dynamic feature navigate to Camera Dynamic feature
|- Photos Dynamic Feature -> Camera Dynamic Feature
In this tutorial same as Tutorial 7-3 navigation layered, and navigation from app module to dynamic features, or navigation from Photos
dynamic feature module
to Camera
dynamic feature module is available.
There are two versions of main fragment.
One with MainFragment
which uses BottomNavigationView
extension, and MainFragmentWithViewPager
uses ViewPager2
to create back stack of BottomNavigationView
🔥 Since DynamicNavHostFragment
used instead of NavHostFragment
another extension should be written that creates fragments that have [DynamicNavHostFragment] in fragments.
If BottomNavigationView
extension is used with DynamicNavHostFragment
it returns the error below
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find Navigator with name "include-dynamic". You must call NavController.addNavigator() for each navigation type. at androidx.navigation.NavigatorProvider.getNavigator( at androidx.navigation.NavInflater.inflate( at androidx.navigation.NavInflater.inflate( at androidx.navigation.NavInflater.inflate(
Also, since extension is not used, observe that not getting MEMORY LEAK that was present in Tutorial7-3
- [ ] Use nav graph ViewModel by navGraphViewModels, couldn't find it yet
- [ ] Solve
issue to get result from a framgent on back press, and use instead of savedStateHandle - [ ] Use saveStateHandle or save fragment state in Tutorial 8-2 when ViewPager2 moves away from viewPort
- [ ] There is a performance issue in Tutorial 8-2 when navigate back from StaggerPostListFragment, or navigating back to fragment main
- [ ] Use BottomNavigationView extension with
, or create another extension for dynamic feature modules