Unity-ImGUI-Android copied to clipboard
updating and improving project
same like other repository, i will update and improve the project
do you know whats the reason of this
I build this by doing (done importing imgui and the dobby stuff)
cmake -Happ\src\main\cpp -Btmp -DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a -DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-21 -DANDROID_NDK=D:\AndroidSDK\ndk\25.2.9519653 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:\AndroidSDK\ndk\25.2.9519653\build\cmake\android.toolchain.cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=D:\AndroidSDK\cmake\3.22.1\bin\ninja.exe -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Android -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=21 -DANDROID_STL=c++_static
cd temp
cmake --build .
im having this errors
ld: error: relocation R_ARM_REL32 cannot be used against symbol 'vtable for std::__ndk1::basic_fstream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >'; recompile with -fPIC
>>> defined in D:/../Unity-ImGUI-Android/src/libs/dobby/armeabi-v7a/libdobby.a(logging.cc.o)
>>> referenced by logging.cc
>>> logging.cc.o:(std::__ndk1::basic_fstream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >::~basic_fstream()) in archive D:/../Unity-ImGUI-Android/src/libs/dobby/armeabi-v7a/libdobby.a
it seems like the dobby prebuilt is compiled with diffrent compile args, you can try import the entire dobby repo to project and link dobby_static
in the cmake
thank you xD its now working .. i hope someday you guys can make it compatible to bluestacks xD the input
same like other repository, i will update and improve the project
Hi checkout my pull request, thanks 🙏
does this thing not touch the background of the frame? i mean when you touch the screen of imgui its also touch the background