elinor-reloaded copied to clipboard
Stopped working
Just stopped working all of sudden and crashes upon start.
Are there crash logs?
Win 10
Hi Zyles
I'm not sure elinor does generate crash log. Would you provide me your local elinor folder so I can reproduce on my side ?
It does contain the registered character and their APIs. I will of course keep that for myself.
Do you mean in profiles? It is empty.
Even a fresh install is crashing.
That's a bit strange, there nothing but profile that could lead to a crash. Could you uninstall, then manually delete the Elinor folder, and try to install again ?
It run fine on an up to date windows 10 on my side
I have the same problem 10 minutes ago, crash on startup with windows error dialog (nothing of important to refer, no error code or other, just generic windows error like "this app stop working, maybe you can found solution on web etc....).
Uninstall the app and delete program folder (the one in X:/Program Files (x86), not the one in user/AppData/Local) and re-install it, solve the issue.
EDIT: after 1 hour it happen again.
EDIT: tried to delete only a user folder (the one in user/AppData/Local) without uninstalling the program. It work again, but if i create a new profiles, close and re-open Elinor, it crash again. Now i'm forced to use Elinor without profile. Every time i open it i have to set the various parameters without the possibility of saving them.
I'll take a look at this, thanks for the detailled report
@H4Z4RD-H42 could you please fully uninstall elinor (and delete both folder you mentioned) then install the last beta release see if your issue still happens ? If it does happen again, could you please send me both folder so I can try to reproduce it on my side ?
@H4Z4RD-H42 could you please fully uninstall elinor (and delete both folder you mentioned) then install the last beta release see if your issue still happens ? If it does happen again, could you please send me both folder so I can try to reproduce it on my side ?
i stopped with eve, thanks.
Allright, you won gg ! :P
I'll keep this issue open for a while in case someone else experience the same problem