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Interfaces between the iRacing API and an Arduino board. Can control displays, LEDs, buttons and much more. Supports custom iRacing Arduino projects.

Results 22 iRduino issues
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feature request
Low Priority

Allow the user to specify that, for example, the lights on unit 1 show the TPS. Maybe a good way to program this would to have the option on the...

feature request
Low Priority

Receive postion sensor data from the Arduino and use it in the Vjoy controller.

feature request
Low Priority

:collision: Check for conflicting options such as specifying an Arduino pin for both input and output. Does check before saving configuration and warns the user.

feature request
High Priority

embed fonts such as the Metro fonts into the application so that the visual experience is similar on all machines. :abc:

feature request

The first time that the application is run it should display a "welcome" :wave: screen. The screen will give links to the documentation pages, links to the getting started page,...

feature request
High Priority

Integrate into Fergotech Brake Vibration component. Can be used to display a pattern on the leds or arduino led or to generic arduino

feature request
wish list
Low Priority

Detect when a car is alongside the drivers car. Can be used to light a specific led on the dash (choose which one or two), light an arduino light (pin)....

feature request
wish list
Low Priority

Arduino CLI CMD Uploading. :computer:

wish list
Low Priority