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What is handlebars?

Open fresheneesz opened this issue 11 years ago • 3 comments

Basically, the first thing you should explain in your ReadMe is what handlebars is and why I want to use it. Don't force people to infer what it does from its usage. Explain its beneifts up front.

Is handlebars a templating engine? Does it do more than just that? Too many github repos don't describe what they do.

Further investigation reveals that this just allows you to use hanlebars.js with require.js . Give a link to handlebars.js furcrisake.

Hopefully this advice is helpful.

fresheneesz avatar Jul 30 '13 19:07 fresheneesz

Presumably people have come here looking for handlebars and requirejs integration. I'm not sure that the onus is on the author of this plugin to describe what both of those are.

gfarrell avatar Aug 05 '13 23:08 gfarrell

A link is all that's necessary. Yes the onus is on the author to properly describe the project.

fresheneesz avatar Aug 06 '13 00:08 fresheneesz

A plugin for handlebars in require.js (both in dev and build)

is an adequate description as far as I am concerned. This plugin is irrelevant unless you know what Handlebars and RequireJS are. If not:

RequireJS: Handlebars:

gfarrell avatar Aug 07 '13 17:08 gfarrell