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Finite volume Euler / Navier-Stokes solver
Currently, for getting multi-process performance, the cells in the mesh need to pre-ordered by partition index. An interface with Scotch is envisaged to remove this requirement and partition the mesh...
In implicit solves, reordering does not work with multi-process runs. The solver diverges with NaN/Inf in the first iteration. This is related to the fact that only "serial" or local...
When any case is run with implicit time-stepping using more than one MPI rank, using the BAIJ matrix type for the Jacobian matrices results in a runtime error by PETSc....
Fix needless copies in * Weighted least-squares reconstruction: final assignment of gradients to output variables * ~~viscous flux computation: before passing for conversion to primitve-2~~ * ~~MUSCL Van-Albada reconstruction~~