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Skytils is a Hypixel Skyblock mod! Be careful, malicious copies are distributed across GitHub. Confirm on (807302538558308352)
A Hypixel Skyblock Utilities mod.
- Client Side Custom Armor Colors (with animated rainbow)
- Custom Command Aliases
- Griffin Burrow Locator and Waypoints
- Track Mythological Event drops
- Track Gaia Construct Hits
- Reparty Command Which Yields to Other Mods
- Auto Accept Reparty
- ~~Trick or Treat Chest Alert~~
- Custom Key Shortcuts
- Better Auction House Price Input
- Copy Deaths to Clipboard
- Spam Hider for
- Profile messages
- Mort messages
- Boss messages
- Oruo (Trivia puzzle) messages
- Autopet messages
- Ability messages
- Implosion
- Midas Staff
- Spirit Sceptre
- Giant Sword
- Livid Dagger
- Staff of the Rising Sun
- Cooldown messages
- Mana messages
- Blocks in the way messages
- Dungeon blessings
- Wither & blood key pickups
- Superboom TNT pickups
- Revive stone pickups
- Combo messages
- Blessing enchant and bait messages
- Wither and Undead Essence unlock messages
- Healing messages
- Sea Creature and Fishing Treasure messages
- Compact Enchantment messages
- Mining ability messages
Custom Spam Hider
- 3 modes: StartsWith, Contains, Regex
- Toggle for skyblock only
- Custom Name and Pattern
- Can use unformatted or formatted text
- Works with existing spam GUI element
- Custom Enchant Names
Moveable Item Highlight
The text for item name that shows up when you swap items -
Moveable Action Bar
The text used to display skyblock information. Doesn't show up when using anything that removes text.
- ~~Show Hidden Fels, Shadow Assassins, and blood room mobs~~
- Blaze Solver Which Replaces The Skin Textures
- Boulder Puzzle Solver
- Simon Says Solver
- Trivia Solver (updated with the latest answers)
- Three Weirdo Solver
- Spirit Leap Names
- Click in Order Terminal Solver
- Ice Path Solver
- Creeper Beams Solver
- Target Shooting Solver
- Alignment Device Solver
- Tic Tac Toe Solver
- Select All Color Solver
- Stop Dropping, Salvaging, and Selling Starred Dungeon Items
- Bigger Bat Rendering and Bat Hitbox Display
- Giant, Sadan, and Necron HP Display
- Better Sadan Interest Timer (Terracotta Phase)
- Score Calculation
- Dungeon Timer
- Necron Phase Timer
- Dungeon reroll Confirmation
- Skeleton Master Boxes
- Correct Livid Finder (with M5 support)
- Dungeon Chest Profit
- Simple Dungeon Map
- Guardian Respawn Timer
- Boxed Tanks and Protected Teammates
- Tank Range Display Circle
- Auto Reparty on Dungeon End
- Dungeon Death Counter
- Giant HP at the Giant's Feet
- Sadan Phase Timers
- Spirit Leap Highlights for Names and Classes
- Big Crypts Counter
- Highlight Spirit Bow
- ~~Block Math Hoe Recipe Viewer~~
- ~~Block Breaking Farms~~
- Hungry Hiker solver
- Treasure Hunter Solver
- ~~Show Ghosts in the Mist (Also their health)~~
- ~~Disable Pickaxe Ability on Private Island~~
- Fetchur Solver
- Puzzler Solver
- Raffle Waypoint and Warning
- Show hidden sneaky creepers
- Dark Mode Mist
- More Visible Ghosts
- Recolor Carpets
- Highlight Completed Commissions
- Crystal Hollows Map
- Crystal Hollows Waypoints
- ~~Soul Eater Bonus Strength~~
- ~~Block Useless Zombie Sword Uses~~
- ~~Prioritize Item Abilities~~
- Pet Item Confirmation
- Highlight Active & Favorite Pets
- Hide Implosion Particles
- Hide Midas Staff Gold Blocks
- Big Item Drops
- Larger Heads
- Show Enchanted Book, Potion, Minion Tiers, and Dungeon Stars
- Show Pet Candies
- Only Collect Enchanted Items
- Dungeon Potion Lock
- Power Orb Lock
- Prevent Placing Spirit Sceptre and Flower of Truth
- Transparent Head Layer
- Show NPC Sell Values
- ~~Hide Wither Veil Creepers Near NPCs~~
- ~~Customizable Block Item Ability~~
- Show Price of Items in the Experimentation Table
- Jerry-chine Gun Sound Hider
- Show Enchanted Book Abbreviation
- Show Radioactive Bonus
- Block Zapper Fatigue Timer
- Etherwarp Teleport Display
- Show Slayer RNG Progress as the Boss Bar
Soulflow Display
Requires your Soulflow talisman to be in your inventory -
Low Soulflow Ping
Requires your Soulflow talisman to be in your inventory - Slayer display
- Yang Glyph Ping and Highlight
- Nukekebi Skull Highlight
- Seraph Display
- Broken Heart Radiation Hider for Others' Bosses
- Slayer Time to Kill
Re-color seraph boss
This shows different phases such as Malevolent Hitshield and Yang Glyph
- Hide Witherborn Boss Bars
- Hide Fire and Lightning
- Custom Damage Splash
- Legion and Dolphin player displays
- Alerts for Hidden Jerry spawns
- Relic and Rare Uber Relic waypoints
- Stop other mods from cancelling terminal clicks
- Slayer miniboss spawn alert
- Hide fishing hooks from other players
- Placed Summoning Eye Display
- Spider's Den Rain Timer
- Stop Dropping Valuable Items (customizable BIN value)
- Trapper cooldown alarm + Click anywhere to accept Trapper Task
- Rare drop sounds for mythological event drops
- Highlight disabled potion effects in cookie menu
- Hidden Jerry Timer
- Hidden Jerry & Jerry Box Tracker
- Jerry Perk Display
- Remove Left Over Bleeds from Minotaurs
- Hide Dying Mobs
- Cooldown Tracker
- /g leave confirmation
- SBA Chroma fix with Optimized Font Renderer from Patcher
- Prehistoric Egg Blocks Walked
- Auto Copy Rare Drops
And more to come!
- /skytils - Opens the main GUI. (Alias is /st)
- /skytils config - Opens the GUI to edit the config.
- /skytils help - Displays the various commands and their usages
- /skytils setkey
- Sets your api key (will also grab it from /api new). - /skytils reload <data/mayor/slayer> - Forces Skytils to refresh of data.
- /skytils fetchur - Displays the current Fetchur item for the day.
- /skytils griffin refresh - Forces a refresh for the Griffin burrow waypoints.
- /skytils aliases - Opens the GUI to edit command aliases.
- /skytils editlocations (/skytils editlocation, gui, loc) - Opens the GUI to modify HUD element locations.
- /skytils shortcuts - Opens the GUI to modify keybind shortcuts.
- /skytils spam - Opens the GUI to modify spam filters.
- /skytils enchant - Opens the GUI to customize enchant names.
- /skytilscata
- Shows information about a player's Catacombs statistics. - /skytilsslayer
- Shows information about a player's Slayer statistics. - /armorcolor <set/clear/clearall> - Changes the color of an armor piece to the hexcode or decimal color provided. (can also be accessed by /skytils armorcolor)
- ~~/blockability [clearall] - Block using the ability on the currently held item~~
- /reparty (/rp) - Disbands and sends a party invite to everyone who was in your party.
- /glintcustomize override <on/off/clear/clearall> - Change the visibility of enchantment glints for the item.
- /glintcustomize color <set/clear/clearall> - Change the enchant glint color for the item.
- /trackcooldown
- - Set a cooldown for an item ability to track
- /sthw <set/remove/clear/help>
- Allows to set waypoints while in the Crystal Hollows.
Credits to Open Source Software
Skytils would not be possible without other open source projects.