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Having Null rod on person blocks chaplain from using spell books
Issue reported from Round ID: 1943 (Skyrat SS13 - MRP-HRP [Apply on Discord, Weekly Events])
Reporting client version: 513
Title says it all, but if Null Rod is in my hand or pocket I can't use the chaplains smoke spell, its preventing casting I have to put it in my bag or drop it to cast.
Isn't the nullrod literally a magic nullification device? Does a specific rod come with a smoke spell?
That isn't a bug afaik. Its anti-magic, and smoke is a spell.
Owai and SpaceVampire this is a bug because it didn't USED to do this. It used to be if you had the null rod it only stopped magic from being used on you, now you can't use it if you carry a null rod. If this is an intended change its a shit one because why does the chaplain get a spell book if they aren't allowed to use it?
Weird. I recall not being able to cast spells when I had anti-magic armor on that I got from lavaland. So I assumed that was how it was supposed to work. How long ago do you think this changed?