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X-Avatar: Expressive Human Avatars (CVPR2023)
How to render SMPLX depth map and normal map aligned with the given renderings?
Thanks for the great work! Hello, in your supplementary material, you mentioned in order to improve rendering speed, a potential solution is to use [FAST-Snarf](https://github.com/xuchen-ethz/fast-snarf) in X-Avatar. I would like...
Can I get the FLAME parameters when building a new avatar?
Hi, I meet an error when I tried to train X-Humans'00086 data using python train.py subject=00086_scan datamodule=XHumans_scan_smplx experiments=XHumans_occ_smplx datamodule.dataloader.dataset_path=../X-Humans/00086 and python train.py subject=00086_rgbd datamodule=XHumans_rgbd_smplx experiments=XHumans_sdf_smplx datamodule.dataloader.dataset_path=../X-Humans/00086    ...
Hello, thank you for sharing your work. I have a question about can I test my own 2D image or video in your model? I am finding out how to...
Hi, Awesome work! I have a question, How can I create a new avatar from an image or video? and apply the .pkl file motion on it.
Hello, when I try to run the train.py on XHumans_scan_smplx with 3090, it shows that CUDA out of memory. When i reduce the datamodule.dataloader.batch_size, another error is displayed, as follows:...