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Regular expression Search on the command-line

          dS'                          dS'
         dS' .cid ,dSSc  ,dS"*sd      dS'   /R/egular expression /S/earch
        dS'    SS;' '*'  YS(   Y     dS'
       dS'     SS`        `*%s,     dS'
      dS'      SS        b   )Sb   dS'
     dS'     .dSSb.      P*ssSP'  dS'
    dS'                          dS'


  • [options] [<path> [<path> [...]]] [-- <command>]


  • -h, --help
    This cruft.
  • -q, --quiet
    Output only essential information.
  • -v, --verbose
    Verbose output.
  • --version
    Show version information and check for updates.
  • -c <regular expression> [<regular expression> [...]]
    Match the content of files against the given regular expression(s).
  • -p <regular expression> [<regular expression> [...]]
    Match the full path and name of files against the given regular expression(s).

Note: you must provide at least one -c or -p regular expression. If a regular expression is not preceded by either -c or -p, it is used as a content regular expression.

  • -w, --wait
    Wait for user to press ENTER before terminating.
  • -u, --unicode
    Remove all ' ' chars from the file before scanning to convert utf-16 encoded ASCII characters back to ASCII.
  • -l, --lines <lines>
    Show the provided number of lines of the file's content around each match. can take two formats: [-/+]N and -N+N. Where N is a integer number, positive/negative numbers determine the number of lines to show after/before the match respectively.
  • ** <path> [<path> [...]]**
    Apply matching only to the provided files/folders. If not path is provided, the current working directory is used.
  • -r, --recursive
    Apply matching to all files in all subfolders of the selected folders.
  • -- <command>
    Execute the specified command for all files that matched the given regular expressions. The command can contain the following variables:
    • %d - the drive on which the file was found.

    • %p - the folder path in which the file was found.

    • %n - the name of the file (excluding the extension).

    • %x - the extension of the file (including the dot).

      Note: The above arguments can be combined: %dp will be replaced with the file's drive and path, and %nx will be replaced by the file's name and extension.

    • %f - the full path of the file (== %dpns).

    • %l - the line number on which the first match was found.

      Note: Repeating %l gives you the next line number on which a match was found, or -1 if there are no more matches: %l %l %l will be replaced with the line numbers of the first three matches

    • %1, %2, %3... - the first path match' sub-matches.

      Note: You can use %1 - %9 to insert parts of the first match against the file path. This can be useful to mass-rename files.

Regular expression syntax:


  • !
    Filter out files that match this regular expression. (Normally, files whose content or full path and name do NOT match the regular expression are filtered out.
  • /pattern/
    A regular expression pattern following Python syntax.
  • flags
    Any one of the single-letter regular expression flags available in Python. Notes: details on the syntax of Python regular expression patterns and flags can be found at By specifying ? in place of any regular expression on the command line, the user will be asked to enter a regular expression manually to take the place of the ?. Specifying - in place of any regular expression will be ignored; this may be useful when scripting


  • rs /C+/ -p /P+/ -r
    Match all files in the current directory and all its sub-folders which path and name contains a sequence of 1 or more 'P'-s. Match the content of these files for a sequence of 1 or more 'C'-s. Output the path and name of the files that matched and the line number(s) on which the 'C'-s were found.

  • rs -p /P+/i C:\ -r
    Match all files in the root of the C: drive and all its sub-folders which path and name contains a sequence of 1 or more 'p'-s (either upper- or lowercase). Output the path and name of the files that matched.

  • rs /class\s+\w+/m -p /\.c(pp|xx)$/i -- notepad %f Match all files in the current folder that have a .cpp or .cxx extension. Match the content of these files against a C++ class definitions. Output the path, name and line numbers of the files and open each one in Notepad.

  • rs /struct\s+some_struct\s*{/m -r -p /\.[ch](pp|xx)?$/i -l -1+16 Match all files in the current folder that have a C/C++ extension. Match the content of these files against the struct some_struct definitions. Output the path and name of the matched file(s) and the line before and up to 16 lines after each match.

Exit codes:

  • 0 = rs did not match any files.
  • 1 = rs matched one or more files.
  • 2 = rs was unable to parse the command-line arguments provided.
  • 3 = rs ran into an internal error: pleace report the details!