In theory, it is possible to remove power curves, but in 80% of cases the manufacturer's key is unique for each key fob. and the game is not worth the...
So. The protocol is invert usart 8N1 at baunt rate 2000. sends in portions of unequal length, the messages are not identical to each other, but there are repetitions. Let's...
Have you tried to play back a recorded RAW signal with a single button press recorded? Does the receiver always work on it? It seems to me that the signal...
Ideally, it would be if you connected an Arduino to the remote control. with my sketch. to record 100+ clicks on 1 button without errors and personal noise from the...
protocol rolling, encoded by sets of bytes (0xFF, 0x5F, 0xF7, 0x77, 0x75, 0x75, 0xFD, 0xD5, 0xD7, 0xDD, 0x5D) or (0xF, 0xD, 0x7, 0x5). and only such patterns are found in...
I can’t help but encrypt by records
cc1101 is not SDR. it can only receive and decode a signal with pre-entered frequency and deviation values, rather than calculate them
Let's look at these "videos" together. Carrier detection works as simply determining rssi at the current frequency, the minimum possible bw for this modem is 5 kHz, while this is...
This is where the nuance is hidden, already demodulated data is recorded and reproduced, with a certain modulation, at a certain frequency, bit rate and deviation. not iq
both ReadRaw and Read both demodulate the signal, with the selected frequency, modulation, bit rate and deviation (if the modulation is FSK), but Read tries to decode the received data...