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phpmyadmin use php 5.6.40

Open trilogo-lordee opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

I installed the latest version of centos 7. After which I ran your script, I got the templates, but the version that uses the West became 5.6.40 because of which I can’t get into phpMyAdmin. Tell me how can I fix this?

trilogo-lordee avatar Sep 29 '19 14:09 trilogo-lordee

Well, I deleted the php * .conf files according to the instructions, but instead of getting a working server, it now does not work at all, that is, I just have a blank screen on any of the domains and php code on the phpmyadmin page

trilogo-lordee avatar Sep 29 '19 16:09 trilogo-lordee

The same happens to me. I tried moving the conf files but apache doesn't start. Even if I change the names of the conf files in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/ like 15-php.conf to 10-php.conf apache doesn't start.

mlopezcoria avatar Feb 15 '20 08:02 mlopezcoria

the solution that worked for me was edit the file: nano /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/10-php56-php.conf and comment with # the uncommented lines, so your file will be as follows:

#<IfModule prefork.c>
#  LoadModule php5_module modules/

then restart the httpd service systemctl restart httpd

i hope that this solution, be useful for you too

extra: i found that solution today, after 5 monthts, so now i want that apache serve the "server files (for example phpmyadmin)" using php-fpm. i installed php74-fpm module but i dont know how can i config httpd/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf

juanbits avatar Feb 18 '20 00:02 juanbits