sk-import-cpanel-backup-to-vestacp copied to clipboard
Import cPanel backup in vestacp
v-import-cpanel-v2 is a copy of Make some changes for testing, then make some pull request in oficial repo
>>>> v-import-cpanel-v2 <<<<
v-import-cpanel-v2 backup.tar.gz
v-import-cpanel-v2 backup.tar.gz ALL
v-import-cpanel-v2 backup.tar.gz DOMAIN
v-import-cpanel-v2 backup.tar.gz MAIL
v-import-cpanel-v2 backup.tar.gz DB
#Import even if the user exists on the server
v-import-cpanel-v2 backup.tar.gz ALL NO-CHECK-USER
#Change destination user ( BETA ) if cpanel account have any user ex: admin and you want restore it in admin2 or any other format is: RESTORE-IN-USER=user )
v-import-cpanel-v2 backup.tar.gz ALL RESTORE-IN-USER=admin2
>>>> v-import-cwp <<<<
Import backups from Centos Web Panel
v-import-cwp bacackup.tar.gz
#If you not have databases we cant get user from backup, we need a user
v-import-cwp bacackup.tar.gz NEW_USER
Import cPanel backup in vestacp
Beta 0.5.3
- Restore user password
- Restore MX from cpanel dnszone
Beta 0.5
- Improve database restauration.
- Just restore databases and vestacp rebuild users, this add compatibility to mysql 5.7 ( ubuntu 16+ )
- Try restore SSL, something fail if backup not have CA
- Some bugs fixed and some function added to test if have rsync and file installed
Beta 0.4
- Improve database restore, now is compatible whit more cPanel backups, fix some bugs when database dont have Grant ALL Privileges.
- Improve database privileges restauration, now only was restored real database privileges, skip cPanel main user privileges, and a lot of grant all privileges added by cPanel when account was migrated to orther server.
- Adding debug mode.
- Some bugs was fixed.
Beta 0.3.6
- Improve some functions, get real cPanel user.
- Improve data base restore, fix bugs when database not exists
- Fix some bugs
- Dont restore database if is already created.
Beta 0.3.5
- Restore cPanel user.
- Restore websites, subdomains, domains, main domain
- Fix main domain restoring, skip public_html dirs if are used by domains or subdomains and this are currently restored
- Restore mails if cPanel backup use dovecot
- Restore data bases
- Add file count to show user some progress when extract backup and restore domain files.
bash cpanel-backup.tar.gz
bash cpanel-backup.tar.gz MX
Second option will restore your MX, this help people who use google apps, office 365 or remote mail system