sixarm_unix_shell_scripts copied to clipboard » Unix » shell scripts for command line programs in sh, bash, etc.
Unix » shell scripts for sh, bash, tcsh, zsh, etc.
This repo has lots of Unix shell scripts that are utilities.
Command line boosters
- awk-remove-dupe-lines: Remove duplicate lines in a file without sorting.
- sed-char-to-html-entity-name: sed script to change all non-HTML characters to their HTML entity names.
- sed-delete-blank-lines: Delete all blank lines, i.e. lines with no characters.
- sed-delete-duplicate-consecutive-lines: Delete duplicate, consecutive lines from a file (emulates "uniq").
- sed-delete-duplicate-nonconsecutive-lines: Delete duplicate, nonconsecutive lines from a file.
- sed-delete-leading-and-trailing-whitespace: Delete leading and trailing whitespace (spaces and tabs).
- sed-delete-leading-blank-lines: Delete all leading blank lines at top of file.
- sed-delete-leading-whitespace: Delete leading whitespace (spaces and tabs).
- sed-delete-most-html-tags: Delete most HTML tags (accommodates multiple-line tags)
- sed-delete-newlines: Use sed to delete all the newlines except the last one, which we want for normal output.
- sed-delete-trailing-blank-lines: Delete all trailing blank lines.
- sed-delete-trailing-whitespace: Delete trailing whitespace (spaces and tabs).
- sed-extract-version: sed script to print the VERSION string from a text file.
- sed-join-equal-sign-lines: sed script to join lines that end with equal signs.
- sed-simple-quotes-and-dashes: Change smart characters into simple characters.
- sed-uncolor: sed script to uncolor lines by removing ascii color characters.
- dir-is-empty: Detect if a directory is empty or not.
File scripts to print a given ls field:
- file-permissions
- file-link-count
- file-user-name
- file-user-number
- file-group-name
- file-group-number
- file-size
- find-broken-symlinks: Find broken symlinks.
- find-empty-directories: Find empty directories.
- find-fast: Find script with pruning of /dev, /proc, /tmp, .git, .svn, etc .
- find-file-size: Print each file's size and name.
- find-file-size-sort: Print each file's size and name, with sort by size.
- find-git-repos: Find git repostitory directories.
- find-git-repos-fast: Find git repostitory directories by using faster functions.
- date-stamp: Print the current date stamp UTC in a user-friendly format.
- date-stamp-shortest: Print the current date stamp UTC in the shortest format.
- history-count-commands: Count your history commands.
- history-rank: List your most-frequent history commands.
- history-clear: Clear the history in bash and zsh.
- grep-medium-words: Grep for typical words, length 4-7 characters, all lowercase, a-z.
- grep-v-web-bots: grep without web robot strings like robots.txt, Googlebot, Mouseflow, etc.
- grep-v-web-chaff: grep without web chaff like lines that have .css, .js, .png.
- lsof-i-established: Show current active connections i.e. that say "ESTABLISHED".
- lsof-i-listen: Show current listening connections i.e. that say "LISTEN".
- lsof-link-count-less-than-1: Shows you all open files that have a link count less than 1.
- dig-soa: Dig a domain's start of authority nameserver.
- dig-subdomains: Dig a domain's subdomains
- gpg-decrypt: GPG script to decrypt a file with our typical settings.
- gpg-encrypt: GPG script to encrypt a file with our typical settings.
uri & url
- uri-escape: URI script to escape text, for example a CGI query string.
- uri-unescape: URI script to unescape text, for example a CGI query string.
- uri-scheme: Parse a URI to its fields, for example host, query, fragment.
- uri-relate: Combine a base URI and relative URI to an absolute URI.
- addpath: Add path(s) to the PATH environment variable
- rmpath: Remove path(s) from the PATH environment variable.
- wc-all-files-in-directory: Count the lines in all the files in a directory.
- wc-l: Print the number of lines of a file.
random passwords
- random-password-encrypt: Generate a random password and encrypt it.
- kill-with-user: Kill a process with a given user.
- kill-all-zombie-parents: Kill all processes that are parents of zombies.
- ps-top-mem: Print the processes that are using the most RAM.
- shell-command: Print the current running shell command e.g. '/bin/bash'.
- cp-progress: Copy files using a command-line progress bar.
- infiltrated-blacklisted: Block known dirty hosts from reaching your machine.
- my-ip: Print this system's IP address via
- netstat-listening-easy: Shorthand to use netstat to listen and print our typical output.
- nmap-probe: Get info about remote host ports and OS detection.
- cddo: Run a command in each directory.
- command-is-installed: If a given command installed, then return true.
- keep: Keep running a command every time any file it looks at is changed.
- no: Shorthand to always return "n"
- while-read-do-cd: For each line of input on command line, cd into a path then run a command.
- extract: Extract a file using best-guess of tar, bzip, rar, gz, zip, etc.
- tar-bzip2: Run tar using bzip2 compression.
- between: between: print the lines of a file that are between match $1 and match $2.
- camelize: Convert text to camel-case like FooGooHoo.
- diff-sort: Shorthand to diff with sort.
- file-encode-utf-8: Convert encoding of a file to unix utf-8.
- file-line-num: Print a file's line at a given line number.
- json-to-xml: json-to-xml is a pipe command to convert
- h1-links: Convert the first <h1> link in a stream to an HTML list item.
- summary-line: Summarize a text file in one line.
text replacement
- uuid-line-fill: uuid-filler reads input lines and fills in secure random UUIDs.
- version-file-text-changer: Search-and-replace the VERSION number in a text file.
text sets
- union: set "union" of the inputs' lines.
- intersect: set "intersect" of the inputs' lines.
- except: set "except" of the inputs' lines a.k.a. set (A - B).
- extra: set "extra" of the inputs' lines, a.k.a. set (B - A).
- ffmpeg-x11-screencast: Record a screencast and convert it to an mpeg movie.
- flac-to-ogg: Convert sound files from FLAC format to Ogg format.
- gs-combine-pdf: Ghostscript: combine multiple PDFs into one readable, searchable, PDF
- mount-iso: Mount a .iso file.
- font-file-to-family: Parse a font file to the preferred family string.
- font-file-to-full-name: Parse a font file to the full name string.
- font-unzip: Unzip a font zip file and move fonts to a family directory
- ls-tree: List files in your current directory recursively shown as a tree.
- mkcd: Make a directory with 'mkdir' then change into it with 'cd'.
- os-version-info: Show operating system version information.
- reboot-kernel: Quickly (soft-)reboot skipping hardware checks.
- screenrc: Keybindings.
- sort-rank: Sort command-line input by rank.
- susu: Shorthand for: sudo su -
- bind-list-functions-and-bindings: List Bash bind keyboard shortcuts.
- stty-list-functions-and-bindings: List Bash stty keyboard shortcuts.
- brew-cask-repair: Repair Homebrew manager on OSX.
Specific needs
- gimp-2.7.1: Launch GIMP 2.7.1 from our /opt directory with our library path settings.
- gmail: Check your unread gmail from the command line.
- gravatar: Gravatar: generate a gravatar URI for a given email address.
- spam: Move spam email messages out of my inbox folder and into my spam folder.
- convert-ico-to-png: Convert an ICO image file to a PNG image file.
- [glue-sprites
: Use the
glue](glue-sprites: Use the
glue) command to compress a directory of images to sprites.
- favicon-fetch: Download a web page's favicon.
- html-to-favicon-url: Parse HTML to extract the favicon URL.
- geocode-address-to-lat-lng: Geocode an addres to a latitude and longitide.
- empty-trash: Empty the trash on an Ubuntu system.
FTP, ProFTPD, and xferlog
- proftpd-stats-date-summary-of-login-success: Count successful logins per date.
- xferlog-stats-count: Count FTP transfer log items per date, with options for filtering.
- xferlog-stats-date-summary: Print statistics with date summary information.
SixArm Setup
- openssl-req-new-key-pem-for-sixarm: OpenSSL script to generate a new key file for
- sixarm-setup-glassfish: How to download and install Glassfish version 3 with typical settings.
- sixarm-setup-server: Fresh unix install for a typical sixarm server.
Ruby administration
- ruby-remove: This script will remove all ruby-related files that we know about. DANGEROUS!
- ruby-versioner: Set the Ruby environment to be a particular version of Ruby.
Ruby gem
- gem-paths: Prints your gem paths by calling "gem env" then matching
- gem-test: Gem script to run all the test files.
- gem-update: Run gem update, install, tumble, and set up our typical gem sources.
- gem-fixer: Advises if any gems need fixing or updates. [Deprecated]
Ruby managers
ruby-build-install: Install
where we want it. -
ruby-build-update: Use
to update Ruby in our preferred locations. - ruby-install-install: Install `ruby-install`` where we want it.
Ruby testing and documentating
- rcov-easy: Run rcov on our typical test files.
- ruby-header-comments-to-rdoc: For each input file name, get the header comments and emit rdoc format.
- ruby-metaprogramming-metric: How many metaprogramming methods are in your Ruby code?
- yardoc-easy: Run yardoc on all our lib files.
- rails-deploy: Rails script to do a simple deployment from the command line.
- rails-metaprogramming-metric: How many meta-programming methods are in your Rails project?
- rails-script-server: rails-script-server - A better script/server alias.
- rails-script-server-colorizer: Colorize our rails server output.
- rails-test-unit: Run our typical test files
- rails-word-count: Shows the word count of each file in a Rails app subdirectory.
- rails_root_vendor_plugins: Print a list of the Rails plugins in ./vendor/plugins
Amazon Web Services
- aws-pem-file-to-fingerprint: Given a AWS PEM key pair file, print the fingerprint.