OpenSiv3D copied to clipboard
Help with reading and writing images
Dear team, After integrating Siv3D with Libtorch ( I am now trying to read and write images from and to Siv3D. The way it works is:
- An image is read from disk (usually using OpenCV which is easy but I am trying to avoid)
- The image is converted to
- A DL model is run on the tensor
- A tensor is returned from the model
- The tensor is converted to an image for display purposes.
This is one example where they used stb_image to this, avoiding the use of OpenCV.
I did something similar and was able to read the image, but I am not sure how to proceed and display it on Siv3D. I don't mind using libpng / libjpg that you are linking to if you think I should do so.
Code for reading an image and displaying its dimensions on Siv3D (
# include <Siv3D.hpp>
#include <torch/script.h>
#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include "../include/stb_image/stb_image.h"
#include "../include/stb_image_write/stb_image_write.h"
#include "../include/stb_image_resize/stb_image_resize.h"
torch::Device device(torch::kCUDA);
torch::Tensor tensor = torch::eye(3).to(device);
torch::data::transforms::Normalize<> normalize_transform({ 0.485, 0.456, 0.406 }, { 0.229, 0.224, 0.225 });
// Loads a tensor from an image file
torch::Tensor load_image(const std::string& file_path,
torch::IntArrayRef shape, std::function<torch::Tensor(torch::Tensor)> transform) {
if (!shape.empty() && shape.size() != 1 && shape.size() != 2) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Shape must be empty or contain exactly one or two elements.");
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int depth = 0;
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char, decltype(&stbi_image_free)> image_raw(stbi_load(file_path.c_str(),
&width, &height, &depth, 0), &stbi_image_free);
if (!image_raw) {
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load image file " + file_path + ".");
if (shape.empty()) {
return transform(torch::from_blob(image_raw.get(),
{ height, width, depth }, torch::kUInt8).clone().to(torch::kFloat32).permute({ 2, 0, 1 }).div_(255));
int new_width = 0;
int new_height = 0;
if (shape.size() == 1) {
double scale = static_cast<double>(shape[0]) / std::max(width, height);
new_width = width * scale;
new_height = height * scale;
else {
new_width = shape[1];
new_height = shape[0];
if (new_width < 0 || new_height < 0) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid shape.");
size_t buffer_size = new_width * new_height * depth;
std::vector<unsigned char> image_resized_buffer(buffer_size);
stbir_resize_uint8(image_raw.get(), width, height, 0,, new_width, new_height, 0, depth);
return transform(torch::from_blob(,
{ new_height, new_width, depth }, torch::kUInt8).clone().to(torch::kFloat32).permute({ 2, 0, 1 }).div_(255));
void tensorDIMS(const torch::Tensor& tensor) {
auto t0 = tensor.size(0);
auto s = tensor.sizes();
Print (tensor.size(0), U",", tensor.size(1), U",", tensor.size(2));
void Main()
Window::SetTitle(U"TorchSiv3D C++");
const Texture icn0(Emoji(U"✡"));
icn0.draw(0, 0);
Scene::SetBackground(Color(90, 81, 95));
const std::string modelName = "";
const std::string content_image_path = "windmill.png";
auto module = torch::jit::load(modelName, device);
if (!std::ifstream(modelName)) {
Print (U"ERROR: Could not open the required module file from path:");
else {
Print(U"Loaded required module file from path");
assert(module != nullptr);
const int64_t max_image_size = 256;
auto content = load_image(content_image_path, max_image_size, normalize_transform).unsqueeze_(0);
//auto x = (content).data()[0]; // Move it to the CPU
//Print(x); //Use it from Siv3D
while (System::Update())
For reference this is the OpenCV to Libtorch conversion utils:
at::Tensor matToTensor(cv::Mat frame, int h, int w, int c) {
cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_BGR2RGB);
frame.convertTo(frame, CV_32FC3, 1.0f / 255.0f);
auto input_tensor = torch::from_blob(, {1, h, w, c});
input_tensor = input_tensor.permute({0, 3, 1, 2});
torch::DeviceType device_type = torch::kCPU;
// if (torch::cuda::is_available()) {
device_type = torch::kCUDA;
// }
input_tensor =;
return input_tensor;
cv::Mat tensorToOpenCv(at::Tensor out_tensor, int h, int w, int c) {
out_tensor = out_tensor.squeeze().detach().permute({1, 2, 0});
out_tensor = out_tensor.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).to(torch::kU8);
out_tensor =;
cv::Mat resultImg(h, w, CV_8UC3);
// cv::Mat resultImg(h, w, CV_8UC1);
std::memcpy((void *), out_tensor.data_ptr(), sizeof(torch::kU8) * out_tensor.numel());
return resultImg;
Many thanks,
Done! Working with VC 19 and not CMake is really hard :)
You can use s3d::Image
class for image I/O and image processing.
For now, I am converting the tensor to a PNG and writing the PNG to disk and then reading it with siv3d. It is not very fast bu that Is what I have now. I looked at s3d::Image but spent a day trying to figure out how to do s3d::Image to torch::tensor
and vice versa.
This is my torch to PNG and vice versa code:
Conversion functions will be like this:
torch::Tensor ImageToTensor(const Image& image)
Array<uint8> buffer(image.num_pixels() * 3);
uint8* pDst =;
for (const auto& pixel : image)
*pDst++ = pixel.r;
*pDst++ = pixel.g;
*pDst++ = pixel.b;
const int32 width = image.width();
const int32 height = image.height();
// ...
Image TensorToImage(const torch::Tensor& tensor)
size_t width = ??;
size_t height = ??;
const uint8* pSrc = tensor.data_ptr<uint8>();
Image image(width, height);
for (auto& pixel : image)
pixel.r = *pSrc++;
pixel.g = *pSrc++;
pixel.b = *pSrc++;
pixel.a = 255;
return image;