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New report proposal - Help text who make the content editor crash

Open VGBenjamin opened this issue 6 years ago • 1 comments


I propose to add the following report in the content edit section to prevent the crashed of the content editor as described here:


Benjamin Vangansewinkel

        Lists all content items that contain one some invalid character in the field title or the help texts because this make the 
        Benjamin Vangansewinkel
filter Where-InvalidCharacterInFields {
	if(($item["__Long description"] -Match '"') -or ($item["__Long description"] -Match "'")) {
		Write-Host "Long description of item: $($item.Paths.FullPath)"
		$field = $item.Fields["__Long description"]
		@{Item = $item; Field = $field}
	if(($item["__Short description"] -Match '"') -or ($item["__Short description"] -Match "'")) {
		$field = $item.Fields["__Short description"]
		@{Item = $item; Field = $field}
	if(($item["Title"] -Match '"') -or ($item["Title"] -Match "'")) {
		$field = $item.Fields["__Short description"]
		@{Item = $item; Field = $field}

$items = Get-ChildItem -Path "master:/sitecore/templates/User Defined" -Recurse | Where-InvalidCharacterInFields

if($items.Count -eq 0) {
    Show-Alert "There are no invalid help text"
} else {
    $props = @{
        Title = "Invalid help text Report"
        InfoTitle = "Content items with invalid help text on fields"
        InfoDescription = 'Lists all content field that contain single or double quote in the help text or in the title because this makes the content editor crash!'
        PageSize = 25
    $items |
        Show-ListView @props -Property @{Label="Icon"; Expression={$_.Item.__Icon} },
            @{Label="Name"; Expression={$_.Item.DisplayName} },
            @{Label="Field Name"; Expression={$_.Field.Name} },
            @{Label="Updated"; Expression={$_.Item.__Updated} },
            @{Label="Updated by"; Expression={$_.Item."__Updated by"} },
            @{Label="Created"; Expression={$_.Item.__Created} },
            @{Label="Created by"; Expression={$_.Item."__Created by"} },
            @{Label="Path"; Expression={$_.Item.ItemPath} }


VGBenjamin avatar Jun 12 '18 14:06 VGBenjamin

@VGBenjamin Does this issue happen for specific versions of Sitecore?

michaellwest avatar Oct 24 '19 02:10 michaellwest