I just made my own slight attempt to get one to work for GMOD, however all I know how to do is convert the aliases over and make the performance...
> > I just made my own slight attempt to get one to work for GMOD, however all I know how to do is convert the aliases over and make...
Basically you need to either rewrite the program to support linux or you need to change how to find files so the WINE version will work, I'd recommend creating a...
probably just to handle heavy thinking jobs like large nested loops (Think bot code)
Legit didn't know, wow that was fast af
Is dynamic batching a possibility though?
Like it batches at less than 60 FPS and doesn't batch at greater than 60 FPS, kind of like the jigglebones thing.
Alright, well I sparked some kind of idea, lol
Ok just had to look this up, sounds good!
I've just been trying to think of ideas for performance improvements, I didn't see any change to effects multithreading so I assumed it didn't exist, I'm going to assume it...