ultisnips copied to clipboard
Select Mode problem with completion engines
Expected behavior: Automatically triggered nested snippets that work well with completion engines
Actual behavior: Described in https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/issues/1327 and in https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/issues/1380
Basically completion engines ruin nested snippets that are triggered automatically
Steps to reproduce To reproduce this just install one of the following completion engines:
- Deoplete
- nvim-compe
- coc-nvim
Then install Ultisnips, and create the snippet
snippet test "test" iA
Then just nest like 5 test snippets and jump to the next placeholder repeatedly. This happens:
The new thing I have noticed is that:
- This bug disappears if you make the snippet don't trigger automatically (that is, just give the option i instead of iA)
- If I do :smap with deoplete disabled I get this two mappings which weren't present when the engine wasn't installed, maybe it has something to do with that. The bug seems to happen when I'm in select mode
I still have no solution to this and it is very frustrating because I cannot use ultisnips with any other completion engine :c Hopefully someone finds at least a workaround
This is the vimrc:
call plug#begin()
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
call plug#end()
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<tab>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<tab>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<s-tab>"
- Operating System: Arch linux
- Vim Version: nvim 0.5
- UltiSnips Version: 3.2
- Python inside Vim: 3.9