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HA_Blueprints/Automations /Zigbee2MQTT-Aqara-Magic-Cube-T1-Pro-CTP-R01-Xiaomi-Lumi.md
HA_Blueprints/Automations /Zigbee2MQTT-Aqara-Magic-Cube-T1-Pro-CTP-R01-Xiaomi-Lumi.md
Hi, I have installed the subject Blueprint. I enter a trial automatism as in the picture, if I run it next to the specified part, it works. In the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen, I don't think the run anymore works.
Last run indicates that it has never been run before and cannot be run manually. If I create automation with the cube elsewhere, either with the controlled device or with MQTT, it works. But the opportunity is much more than your development, which is why I insist on you. Thank you for looking at it: László
I see your screenshots of the automation UI and those are no help to me. I don't have any idea what is going on. The text in the top of the bug report needs to be filled in where appropriate. Don't have to fill them all in, but giving me YAML to troubleshoot and versions of things are needed.
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Látom az automatizálási felhasználĂłi felĂĽletrĹ‘l kĂ©szĂĽlt kĂ©pernyĹ‘kĂ©peit, Ă©s ezek nem segĂtenek nekem. Fogalmam sincs, mi folyik itt. A hibajelentĂ©s tetejĂ©n találhatĂł szöveget ki kell tölteni, ahol szĂĽksĂ©ges. Nem kell mindet kitölteni, de a YAML-t megadom a hibaelhárĂtáshoz, Ă©s szĂĽksĂ©g van a dolgok verziĂłjára.
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YAML-rĂ©szletek, BELEÉRTVE a forgatĂłkönyvet vagy az automatizálást, amelyet a terv meghĂvására Ă©pĂtettĂ©l (Használjon 3 backtick-et a kĂłd elĹ‘tt Ă©s után a megfelelĹ‘ formázáshoz) Lásd pĂ©ldául itt: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/working-with-advanced-formatting/creating-and-highlighting-code-blocks
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Reading your question more, the 'run' in the ui editor isn't going to do anything here, because the blueprint is looking for changes in the cube to trigger events. When you click the 'run', there wasn't a cube action so it will do nothing.
You have to do physical cube actions/motions to make the blueprint trigger and then the blueprint will execute the actions you have programed in that match that physical action.
Moving the cube corresponding to the programmed sequence of movements (sliding on any side in action mode) was possible, but the LG TV is not turned on/off as in the example. I thought that the automatism should be started at least once by clicking on the run command.
I'm trying to explain to you how this works. If you click the run command, the blueprint does indeed run. As the BP starts it gets to the condition statement which makes sure that the trigger that started the run has a valid action from the cube. When it finds there was no action, execution ends. So yes, it runs, but no, it stops as soon as conditions are tested.
Thank you for the previous ones as well. Let's go on. Now I only have two questions, because I don't have the dice in front of me right now, I'm not at home, only in the evening.
One: Should I write something here? I think not.
According to your previous answer, a condition must be entered here? I think you don't have to.
Perhaps some parameter needs to be entered somewhere, or something that may have been left out of your description, or I didn't notice it, even though I read a lot even in the comments. Regard'a: László
Did you read the instructions? There are in a TL;DR version in the blueprint description and the long version here.
- For the first question, if you don't have a topic, nothing will happen. The blueprint will get no data to do anything.
- For the 2nd question you add actions in the rows to match the physical actions you do with the cube. All other physical action rows can be empty. Additional conditions can be empty as well.
Start with no automations created with the blueprint. If you have old ones hanging around they will start to trigger and it will confuse you. Then create an automation with a simple event, like rotate or slide, and just toggle a light. This gets you into the mode of how it works. Then using the training aids provided, learn how the other functions like tap and hold, etc. work.
All this is in the documentation.
It would be great if you had a YouTube video about this installation, setup, and operation. Believe me, everyone would be happy about it, and it wouldn't take you so long to do this :) At stake, if I make settings by default, they work. I can't get your BP to work.
That has been on my mind lately for all my blueprints... Excellent suggestion. I am working on the clean the basement stuff first because I have a real problem down there.
Have you determined what your topic is yet?
I do not understand. What about the topic?
It says here that there is an error with the run.
Topic: You need to put yours here. Use the instructions to look it up.
One: Should I write something here? I think not.
I gave the topic. The tracking timeline shows this, somewhere (perhaps under a condition) the run gets stuck and stops. What can I send you so that you can help me?
As the Docs say, the last action Z2M takes is not going to pass conditions. Look at prior triggers in the list to see if it did anything. There is nearly always minimum 3 triggers on any physical action. wake-up, the actual action, and go to sleep.
If I perform a cube operation (now the operation works fine), for example, I slide, then a device under your name and house location will immediately appear. When I open the following image I see. What is it and why does it occur? Is that okay?
It creates a number entity to keep track of the last side that was on top. Yes it creates that and will update the number value whenever you action the cube. This is good news. It means things are starting to work for you!