Icarus_Verilog copied to clipboard
This repo contains code snippets written in verilog as part of course Computer Architecture of my university curriculum
Verilog Snippets and Notes
A host for some Verilog-snippets written during Lab Sessions of Computer Architecture Course at BITS Pilani.
Consider giving it a ☆ if the repo helps you in any way
Running a file
- Compile the verilog file (one with.v extension) using following command
iverilog -o filename.vvp filename.v
- To see output using $monitor statements run following command
vvp filename.vvp
- To get graphical waveform output, make sure to add following lines in every test branch
- To see graphical waveform output
gtkwave filename.vcd
- To include a header file in your program
`include "modulename.v"
Most Common Mistakes in Verilog
- All keywords should be in lower case.
- Upper case and lower case are distinct in verilog, it is case sensitive
- Make sure that the wires are properly declared before usage.
- Unwanted spaces will put you in trouble ex. endmodule doesn’t have any space in between.
- Module declaration is a statement terminate it with a semicolon.
- Module name can’t start with a number and can’t have a special charcters in it.
- The output ‘x’ indicates that the signal is still unkown and being evaluated.
- In combinational circuits ‘z’ in the output means the signals are not connected properly.
Labs Breakdown
Lab# | Labsheet | notes | topic |
1 | link | link | Intro to verilog |
2 | link | link | Combinational Circuit Modeling |
3 | link | link | Sequential Circuit Modeling |
4 | link | link | ALU Design |
5 | link | link | Register File Implementation |
6 | link | link | Single Cycle Datapath Design |
7 | link | link | Multi-Cycle controller Design |
8 | link | link | Pipeline Design |
- Verilog HDL by Samir Palnitkar
- The codes are not guaranteed to be correct and have not been verified thouroughly, if you find a mistake please feel free to send a PR or contact me via mail.
- All files on this repository are for educational purpose with no intentions of promoting unfair means in any evaluative component
Commit History Visualizer
- Above video is made using