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🍣 Japanese restaurant app built in flutter using GetX | Bloc | Cubit | Provider


Japanese restaurant app is a design implementation of Japanese restaurant app designed by gandkurniawan

GetX | Provider | Cubit | Bloc

There are four different implementations: 1: Provider version, 2: Cubit version, 3: Bloc version, 4: GetX version
• You can access GetX version from master branch (here)
• You can access Provider version from provider branch (here)
• You can access Cubit version from cubit branch (here)
• You can access Bloc version from bloc branch (here)

Screenshots (Light mode)

Preview Home screen Food Detail Screen Cart Screen

Screenshots (Dark mode)

Favorite screen Home screen Food Detail Screen Cart Screen

🚀 Features :

• Dynamically change between light and dark theme
• Bottom navigation animation when switch from one screen to another
• Fade animation for food items in detail screen and list views
• Delete single food item from cart by swipe item to right side
• Automatically delete single item from cart by set its value to zero
• Increase or Decrease quantity for each food item in cart screen
• Display food list on the food list screen
• Display Detail of each food on food detail screen
• Real-time calculation of total price in the cart screen
• Add desired food to the favorite screen
• Select quantity for each item on detail screen
• Filter foods by category
• State management with GetX | Cubit | Bloc | Provider

Directory Structure (GetX version)

 |   │──app_asset.dart
 |   │──app_color.dart
 |   │──app_data.dart
 |   │──app_icon.dart
 |   │──app_style.dart
 |   │──app_theme.dart
 |   └──app_extension.dart
     │    │──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     |    │──food.dart
     |    └──food_category.dart
     |    │───📂screen
     |    |   |──cart_screen.dart
     |    |   |──favorite_screen.dart
     |    |   |──food_detail_screen.dart
     |    |   |──food_list_screen.dart
     |    |   |──home_screen.dart
     |    |   └──profile_screen.dart
     |    │───📂widget
     │    |   |──counter_button.dart
     │    |   |──custom_page_route.dart
     │    |   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    |   |──fade_animation.dart
     │    |   |──food_list_view.dart
     │    |   |──page_transition.dart
     |    |   └──scale_animation.dart

Directory Structure (Provider version)

 │   │──app_asset.dart
 │   │──app_color.dart
 │   │──app_data.dart
 │   │──app_icon.dart
 │   │──app_style.dart
 │   │──app_theme.dart
 │   └──app_extension.dart
     │    │───📂model
     │    │   |──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     │    │   |──food.dart
     │    │   └──food_category.dart
     │    │───📂repository
     │    │   └──repository.dart
     │    │───📂screen
     │    │   |──cart_screen.dart
     │    │   |──favorite_screen.dart
     │    │   |──food_detail_screen.dart
     │    │   |──food_list_screen.dart
     │    │   |──home_screen.dart
     │    │   └──profile_screen.dart
     │    │───📂widget
     │    │   |──counter_button.dart
     │    │   |──custom_page_route.dart
     │    │   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    │   └──food_list_view.dart
     │    │───📂animation
     │    │   |──fade_animation.dart
     │    │   |──page_transition.dart
     │    │   └──scale_animation.dart
              │   |──food_provider.dart
              │   └──food_state.dart
              │    |──category_provider.dart
              │    └──category_state.dart

Directory Structure (Bloc version)

 │   │──app_asset.dart
 │   │──app_color.dart
 │   │──app_data.dart
 │   │──app_icon.dart
 │   │──app_style.dart
 │   │──app_theme.dart
 │   └──app_extension.dart
     │    │───📂model
     │    │   |──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     │    │   |──food.dart
     │    │   └──food_category.dart
     │    │───📂repository
     │    │   └──repository.dart
     │    │───📂screen
     │    │   |──cart_screen.dart
     │    │   |──favorite_screen.dart
     │    │   |──food_detail_screen.dart
     │    │   |──food_list_screen.dart
     │    │   |──home_screen.dart
     │    │   └──profile_screen.dart
     │    │───📂widget
     │    │   |──counter_button.dart
     │    │   |──custom_page_route.dart
     │    │   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    │   └──food_list_view.dart
     │    │───📂animation
     │    │   |──fade_animation.dart
     │    │   |──page_transition.dart
     │    │   └──scale_animation.dart
              │   |──food_bloc.dart
              │   └──food_state.dart
              │   └──food_event.dart
              │    |──category_bloc.dart
              │    └──category_state.dart
              │    └──category_event.dart

Directory Structure (Cubit version)

 │   │──app_asset.dart
 │   │──app_color.dart
 │   │──app_data.dart
 │   │──app_icon.dart
 │   │──app_style.dart
 │   │──app_theme.dart
 │   └──app_extension.dart
     │    │───📂model
     │    │   |──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     │    │   |──food.dart
     │    │   └──food_category.dart
     │    │───📂repository
     │    │   └──repository.dart
     │    │───📂screen
     │    │   |──cart_screen.dart
     │    │   |──favorite_screen.dart
     │    │   |──food_detail_screen.dart
     │    │   |──food_list_screen.dart
     │    │   |──home_screen.dart
     │    │   └──profile_screen.dart
     │    │───📂widget
     │    │   |──counter_button.dart
     │    │   |──custom_page_route.dart
     │    │   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    │   └──food_list_view.dart
     │    │───📂animation
     │    │   |──fade_animation.dart
     │    │   |──page_transition.dart
     │    │   └──scale_animation.dart
              │   |──food_cubit.dart
              │   └──food_state.dart
              │    |──category_cubit.dart
              │    └──category_state.dart

Pull Requests

I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 48-72 hours to respond to any issue or request.


Name Cubit
flutter_bloc ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️
GetX ✖️ ✖️ ✔️ ✖️
provider ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✔️
flutter_hooks ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✔️
equatable ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✔️
font_awesome_flutter ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
badges ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
animations ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
simple_animations ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Created & Maintained By


My other flutter projects

Office furniture store app
Ecommerce app