Simple-Gallery icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Simple-Gallery copied to clipboard

Only in Copy/Move Dialog: Search Term Cannot Be Entered With External Keyboard

Open GfEW opened this issue 6 months ago • 2 comments

Steps to reproduce the error

  1. Connect a bluetooth keyboard to your android device.
  2. In Simple Gallery Pro, mark any items (media files or folders) in any folder or flat view.
  3. In the three dots menu at the upper right, tap at "Copy to" or "Move to".
  4. In the dialog to select a destination, tap at the search line and try to enter some search string with the connected external keyboard.

What happens?

No characters appear, search is unusable.

What should happen instead?

The typed characters should appear, and the entered string should be searched for.


  • For some obscure reason, this bug only affects search string input in the copy/move destination chooser, only with external (hardware) keyboards.
  • With the internal (software) keyboard, search in the copy/move destination chooser is perfectly usable.
  • In Simple Gallery's main screen (regardless if folders view or flat view), as well as in the file listing inside any folder, search strings can be entered with external or internal keybards alike.
  • Other text input, e. g. renaming a file, also works with external or internal keybards just fine.
  • I've experienced this bug in various versions, including, but not limited to, Simple Gallery 6.28.1 pro that I'm currently using.

GfEW avatar Feb 14 '24 00:02 GfEW

@GfEW SMT apps were sold to ad company. Fork is here

inson1 avatar Feb 14 '24 00:02 inson1

Thanks for the pointer. See

GfEW avatar Feb 14 '24 21:02 GfEW