Simple-Draw copied to clipboard
Wrong image is displayed
Simple-Draw_4.3.1 [open fileX.png; delete fileX.png; create fileX.png with same path; open fileX.png; 2nd to last fileX.png image is displayed instead of last]
that is an ancient app version, update it please. Ideally get the Pro one from
Error also occurs in Simple-Draw_6.0.3
Another way to reach error is [download fileX.png; delete fileX.png; download fileX.png with different data from first and with same filename∧path; open fileX.png with SimpleDraw_6.0.3; previous fileX.png data is displayed instead of current]
I have the same problem with simple Draw v 6.0.5
Opens wrong (=previous) image with android.intent.action.SEND when content has changed and content-uri remains same
In order to document android apps I am using
- Screenshot Assistant to take screenshots on the device
- send them via action SEND to simple-draw to draw arrows onto the image
- and then store the image as a file.
Unfortunately "Screenshot Assistant" always uses the same content uri content://de.beatbrot.screenshotassistant.fileprovider/screenshots/scr_cropped.jpg for each screenshot and simple-draw assumes that same content-uri means same content
As a consequence: If you take a second screenshot and sent it again to simple draw it currently opens the first screenshot and not the new screenshot.
To Reproduce:
- Take a screenshot and send it to simple-draw. (all is working as expected)
- Change a the screen (i.e. open a different app), take a screenshot and send it to simple-draw.
- you see the first screenshot and not the new.
As a current workaround: i send the new screenshot first to Scrambled Exif that re-sends the image with a new randomized content-uri to simple-draw
Background info:
"Screenshot Assistant" uses this intent to send the screenshot
ACTION: android.intent.action.SEND MIME: image/jpeg URI: intent:#Intent;action=android.intent.action.SEND;type=image/jpeg;launchFlags=0x1b080000;end FLAGS: FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND EXTRAS: 1 Typ:$HierarchicalUri Key: android.intent.extra.STREAM Wert: content://de.beatbrot.screenshotassistant.fileprovider/screenshots/scr_cropped.jpg