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No way to choose the preferred phone number for contact with multiple numbers

Open ltguillaume opened this issue 1 year ago • 9 comments

Every related issue is closed as if these problems have been solved, but I still experience:

  1. When the star is enabled next to the mobile number, it will still call the wrong (home) number when I click on the contact in the contact list.
    • I removed the star, still calls the wrong number
    • I enabled the star next to the wrong number, still calls the wrong number
    • I tried changing the order of the numbers by removing the home number and re-adding it, but then it is listed at the top again.
    • I tried changing the home number's type to "Other", which does change the order when viewing the contact, but calling will still call the wrong (now "other") number.
  2. When I use the dialpad to type the first 3 letters of the name and choose the contact, it automatically calls the wrong number. Instead, it should:
    1. Check for a favorite/starred number and call that
    2. If there is no starred number, offer the choice between the numbers OR all numbers of a contact should be listed to begin with
  3. In Simple Contacts, I can only choose the wrong (home) number when trying to add the right (mobile) number to favorites: the desired number is simply not listed in the dialog. This dialog should list all numbers of a contacts.

The only way to reliably make the mobile number the primary is to remove the home number.

Dialer 5.17.3 F-Droid Contacts 6.22.2 F-Droid Android 9

ltguillaume avatar Mar 26 '23 16:03 ltguillaume

report things one by one please..

tibbi avatar Mar 26 '23 17:03 tibbi

Please read through it first: it is basically a single isssue with all the different approaches in which it affects the workflow.

ltguillaume avatar Mar 26 '23 17:03 ltguillaume

@tibbi Could you please reopen? As said, this is a single issue, I'm just listing the different ways in which this issue reveals itself.

ltguillaume avatar Mar 29 '23 00:03 ltguillaume

@ltguillaume I'm starting to look into this issue. But, I'm not able to reproduce this. Please see the screen recording.

What I did was:

  1. In the test contact, starred the first number and called it via the Simple Dialer.
  2. Checked the call history and it shows the starred number was used for calling the test contact
  3. Now, edit the contact and remove the star from first contact and mark the second contact as starred. Then call the contact
  4. Checked the call history and it shows the starred number was used for calling.

Let me know if I missed any step in reproducing the issue please.


cc: @tibbi

<< Screencast removed >>

liyamahendra avatar May 25 '23 08:05 liyamahendra

Could it perhaps have anything to do with whether one is using a local contact, or one that is synchronized? I am only using contacts that are synced via DAVx5 to a Nextcloud instance.

Also, I'm not really sure if all your contacts would appreciate your broadcasting of their names here... just saying 😅

ltguillaume avatar May 26 '23 15:05 ltguillaume

Also, I'm not really sure if all your contacts would appreciate your broadcasting of their names here... just saying 😅

Thanks for that note! I get it; since you've now reviewed my video, I can delete it. :)

Would it be possible to check if the issue persists on your end with a local contact?

liyamahendra avatar May 26 '23 16:05 liyamahendra

I'll do some more digging soon. Points 2 and 3 stand regardless of the bug, though.

ltguillaume avatar May 28 '23 08:05 ltguillaume

@ltguillaume I couldn't reproduce Point (2). The Dailer correctly called the contact's favourite number.

For Point (2), is it possible to share a video please?

liyamahendra avatar May 29 '23 02:05 liyamahendra

@ltguillaume, could you please test it now and share your feedback? We've made some improvements. Thanks.

Merkost avatar Jun 29 '23 09:06 Merkost